0%. Its not what "I think", it's what it is.
Middle income =/= middle class. I know there is always the classic joke every American thinks they are middle class, but that isn't the case.
Theres arguments to be had around the edges, similar to the generational years (nobody reading this start tlying about if Kamala is GenX goddammit), but by and large there are very clear distinctions. Class in the US is unambiguously an offshoot and close cousin of the Anglo conception of class. The only real difference is that Americans have always allowed for class mobility, whereas that was much more difficult in the UK. Class is the confluence of culture and money, exclusive of neither.
White collar jobs are middle class jobs by definition. Accountancy, small retail store owners, engineers, middle management, basically the working professionals. Everything from taste in media, food, diction and so forth outline this.
The working class obviously has their own taste, culture etc. These are people with name patches on their shirts. Also coincidentally who I spend most of my days with. But they are not middle class I can promise you. Their conception of basically everything is diametrically opposed to the middle class.
The upper class is almost non existent in this country at this point. There are small vestiges left with certain people, but it's basically inconsequential. Almost every rich person you meet is dreadfully middle class.
So if you want to use class and income interchangeably that's fine but it's not accurate and there ends up being a lot of talking over each other. Theres a lot more that can be said about class, and I have actually studied this more than I'd like to admit, but it would just be a massive and unproductive diversion.
I would also say anyone making 160k who bitches can lick my nuts, but that is a whole different conversation
All true