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Everything posted by KingLerxst

  1. Yep. Camera angle kinda like playing Madden. Feel like pulling out a controller just to play along.
  2. Florida St. Offense could have looked this good.😀
  3. Yep. Have that on DVD somewhere. May need to dig it up one day.
  4. Love the broadcast minus announcers. But listening to the bands play the same 10 second song over and over is killing me. Absolutely ruined ever listening to Kashmir again for me…..
  5. Seeing them at the Tacoma Dome Tuesday the11th. Great seats for regular price. First time seeing them live. Always sell out way before I can score ticks. Damn thing better not cancel!
  6. Looking like it won’t be on ESPNU now. They’re just starting the Ole Miss game. ESPN web site now shows Texas on ESPN 3. Wonder if LHN will pick up now or is it too late?
  7. Haven’t seen this one mentioned. But the commercial with the women singing put it in your cart to the tune of listen to your heart makes me want to rip my t.v. off the wall. The original song was bad enough. But now I have to listen to it remade in to an even worse tv jingle 4 or 5 times every hour....
  8. Got into VR late last year. Never really was a big PC gamer. Had a few older games from a few years back.Mostly racing simulations that I purchased a wheel set up for. But only played now and then. Plus a combat flight sim. Was given the Rift S and realized all my games were VR capable. Now I’m hooked! Not only do I now play those same games on a weekly basis. I’ve added I Racing,MSFS 2020,Half Life Alyx,Star Wars Squadrons and Elite Dangerous. Also bought Fallout 4 and Skyrim dirt cheap on a Steam sale. Had to upgrade my PC. But now I’ve officially become a “gamer”.......
  9. No no no. We’re going to Federal pound me in the ass prison!
  10. This,this is the problem with society and why it’ll be a very long time if ever. That cops will be held to the standard they should be. There was no reason for trained specialists. Whose first duty is to “protect and serve” to act the way they did. Sure. The guy may not have acted exactly the way some wanted him to. But who could blame him for doing so when put in that kind of situation. But again. Let’s blame the citizen. Someone not guilty and certainly not deserving of such treatment. At least the one officer tried to help the guy unbuckle his seat belt and get out. But the other meathead told him not to reach in. We need LEO in that situation to tell the meatheads in charge to shut the fuck up and solve their small dick problems through therapy or some other manner. Until good Cops and all of society stop accepting such behavior from those our taxes pay for. This will continue. Also sad that to so many. A Black man knowing full well what has happened to many other Black men. And numerous others of different races and skin color. Not being able to act perfectly cool and calmly when two out of control officers are pointing guns at him. Is the one at fault here. But hey. Expecting better treatment means someone is just an “attention whore”.
  11. Whoa! Nice rig but $20,000$? No way. I spent $1800 on a PC with a rtx 3080 and an AMD 7 3700x. Along with a HP Reverb G2. Loving the game in VR. But for far less money I get a great experience playing MSFS 2020 and numerous other games...
  12. Got 2nd dose of Pfizer around 2 pm. Actual 2nd shot was more painful than first. Didn’t feel anything with first but 2nd was definitely noticeable. Probably more to do with the fact the second shot was injected higher up on my arm? No side effects yet. But only been 7 hours. Have a a nice bowl of “pain relief” ready to fire up if needed. Or even if not needed.......
  13. Easily the worst loss in Texas B-Ball. Couldn’t get any more embarrassing than losing to such a shit team. As a 3 seed. The only Big XII team to lose in the tourney. The absolute laughing stock of college basketball. Thanks Shaka. You fucking worthless piece of shit.
  14. Tell Tucker to contact markstanco. He found it just by typing xxx Q on Google......
  15. I typed in xxx as instructed, and ended up on porn hub “mask porn”. Am I doing this right?
  16. Can they can find another “Sammy the bull”? 😀 They’ll need something like that to actually convict ol Teflon Donald. I won’t hold my breath.....
  17. I don’t doubt for a second that every far right racist moron that met him found to be a real pleasure to be around. I also know that anyone that isn’t a far right racist moron, can see him for the vile piece of shit he was. Most are celebrating his passing. The world is a better place without his voice on the radio. Just as it will be a much better place when his ideology and those that defend him and share that ideology have also moved on.
  18. Anyone have Leon Spinks? https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/06/us/leon-spinks-dead-boxer/index.html
  19. She certainly didn’t think that tweet through. Or did she..............
  20. Does he work with weed or seed? I swear I always read it as weed too. But just noticed it’s seed. Was it changed? Or have I just been spending too much time working with weed myself?
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