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A’Dam Psycho

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Everything posted by A’Dam Psycho

  1. OU guys on YouTube are absolutely convinced they’re winning 10 games. I think 10 wins is nuts but that’s just me. 9-3 is their ceiling imo but we’ll see
  2. Bill Bedenbaugh will figure it out, Jackson Arnold will figure it out, the running game that was dormant until late last season will figure it out, the corners that got shredded by Fitita will figure it out, TE will figure it out. A lot of figuring it out going on in Norman. Hopium at an all time high
  3. The funny thing is 8 wins with all things considered (QB, OLine, tough schedule) would not be a bad season. Unfortunately blOU fans are spoiled and think they’re winning 10 games a year because theyre blOU. They’re putting unrealistic pressure on BV
  4. Livingstone outta there. Just don’t see how he gets on the field at any point in the future
  5. Heard Jackson Arnold sucked donkey dick and threw two ints in their scrimmage. Was outplayed by Casey Thompson and there’s a real QB controversy over there. Also heard the O-line got absolutely destroyed and they had to run max protect to give JA any time. Confirm or deny because blOU looking real 7-5ish to me right now
  6. Why am I seeing dirt burglars cunts on my screen right now?
  7. What does Dwayne Wade do better than Kevin Durant? Like literally anything
  8. Is Oregon the “cool” school? You turn down LSU, OSU, Tex which are all current WR factories to go to a defensive minded coach that hasn’t produced a top notch WR in God knows how long. Nike seems to be the jokers cap in NIL recruiting right now
  9. We’ve beaten Bama in Tuscaloosa more times since 2004 than them. 1 time
  10. If we ignore them, will they go away? I don’t want to be associated in any way, shape, or form with Tennessee fans. We’re forced to deal with aggy, wagon, and piggy because of history. These dickheads we don’t have to deal with. They’re the Texas Tech of the SEC
  11. This is the first of, i believe four, presidential debates and a vice presidential debate. Biden is gonna need to take his meds and come back stronger next time. Trump definitely has the lead now
  12. I bet you think he never fucked a pornstar either
  13. *question about black people* something something Tim Scott
  14. “My son is not running for president” say it Joe
  15. We’re about to have a convicted felon in office. lol we’re so fucked
  16. Trump is lying his ass off and Biden is too old and senile to check him. We’re so fucked
  17. Up 14-7 and driving. We still got this
  18. I thought it was pretty established that Bo is more coach than recruiter
  19. I’m way more concerned about our secondary even though I think people are overreacting about that too. If our offense fucks like it’s supposed to, teams are gonna be forced to pass against us. We need to get off the field on 3rd and mediums.
  20. Nobody said this but no Trevor Etienne doesn’t scare me atm. Maybe he turns into a beast at UGA right now…no
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