I'm happy to give you my thoughts knowing full well that most won't agree and I'm ok with that. First, when someone uses Venezuela as their example of socialism without ever bringing up the Scandinavian countries, I question if they are truly curious or are just trying to score cheap shots. My idea of what our country could and should be looks much more like those countries than it does Venezuela. Second, my personal belief is that capitalism has failed the vast majority of citizens of the United States. There is massive income inequality that continues to get worse. The power and wealth in this country is concentrated with such a small number of people, but they have convinced people that the "American Dream" is real and if you continue to support them and hand over what you have to them, you can achieve it. I also believe that capitalism is morally wrong. Any system that allows on person to be worth ~$130 billion while others can't afford basic necessities is not one that I can reconcile with the idea of right and wrong. A system that requires every decision to take into account the accumulation of as little as one more dollar above any other considerations, is not good. It is not right. I'm not sure if that's what you wanted, but that is a very broad view of my feelings.