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Uncle Boobs

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Everything posted by Uncle Boobs

  1. Heck yeah. Just make sure you still make the playoffs.
  2. Just now reading this thread. Looks like I got a pic of your wife's car while walking my dog later that night. Were you able to retrieve it before it got towed?
  3. Robbie Ray - no hitter through 5.
  4. Clue Rules of attraction Planes trains and autos Perfect world Shawshank Naked gun Indiana Jones Airplane Sixteen candles Top secret
  5. Latvian Soccer League fans? Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk
  6. I've heard that it's hard to dust for vomit.
  7. My frenz. Pleez. Pleez. Pick it up now. Cero tres. Pleez. My frenz.
  8. Andrew Luck. You ain't no Barry Sanders bro.
  9. Shiiiiit. I still have over 30 meals left on my towers meal card from 1997. Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk
  10. I am a real American. Fight for the rights of every man.
  11. Well this conversation is certainly pleasant.
  12. It's an entirely different kind of homeless.
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