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Uncle Boobs

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Everything posted by Uncle Boobs

  1. This is gonna flop harder than Dan vs. Dave.
  2. I could see myself messing around with number 6 after a case of beer or two.
  3. I can vouch for this. He's not.
  4. Thanks for the advice OP. I put $50 on OSU + 3. Got my girlfriend a nice new dildo, and had enough $$$ left over to refill my hemorrhoid cream.
  5. This announcer talks like a pussy.
  6. Guy was a former male stripper?
  7. Driving up Friday to Stillwater. Could somebody start a road trip thread. I don't have thread starting permissions. Gracias.
  8. In order? Were you dropped on your head?
  9. I'm at minute maid park. Figured I'd try the pull through method to speed things up. Not possible. You pull throughers got some tiny dicks.
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