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Everything posted by Wade

  1. Bro used discounted expired carbon fiber, too.
  2. Journalist who had been on the sub said they had carbonmonoxide scrubbers, like on space flights. Then a backup system, which is more Carbon monoxide scrubbers, which they would hang from the ceiling like fly paper. Then there was a third backup which I can't recall, but the key takeaway is that the 96 hour thing had never been tested. They just added up the hours that each scrubber said it worked for.
  3. I’d like a dry green, Mr. Quoc, a very dry green. A very dry, arrid, barren, desiccated, veritable dustbowl of a green. I want a green that could be declared a disaster area. Make me such a green.
  4. I can kind of see your point that it was a tad bit sloppy at the end. It's not clear how Tom immediately knew it was Greg who leaked, because several folks were aware of the CEO issue. I find it hard to believe that Mattson could have convinced a just-betrayed Shiv to switch her vote in the limo ride to the meeting (the kids went straight from learning Tom was the guy to the meeting. They did ride in separate cars, so the call could have been made). But in no way did the writers telegraph that Shiv's vote switch was anything but an emotional reaction to seeing Kent in his dad's chair, and recoiling.
  5. Fan of the show from the first episode. The "wealth porn" as someone aptly phrased it was phenomenal. All four seasons. It was the little things, like showing the cast getting out of their cars to walk to the Italian villa, helicopter, or whatever, that made viewers feel like they were rolling with these rich cats. One of my favorite scenes were the women in season three walking to Caroline's party in that quaint Tuscan village. And the acting was fantastic. I was stoned watching the final episode, and usually when like that, the obviousness of the acting in movies/shows just leaps out. With these guys, I could still buy in. Everyone of those actors were outstanding. I think my favorite scene of all was the dinner with Kendall and Logan at the end of season 3, esp starting at about the 3 minute mark.
  6. That occurred after the Board meeting
  7. fify
  8. I'll give Heidi credit for doing whatever she could at the end to get votes, but she was basically a mouse the entire game (unless it's editing). I thought Yam yam played a masterful game. He was never really threatened, and basically kept everyone in line with his social skills. And you gotta respect his mantra of executing anyone who voted for him. At one point someone said to him that she had never voted for him, and he said he was so glad, as she would be on the jury now. Good stuff. Well-earned win.
  9. You didn't address Shiv's fat eyelids
  10. Interesting article. The most jaw-dropping thing for me is that the Big Ten Network (majority owned by Fox) owns the content, not the conference. Fox execs attending negotiation sessions with rival networks. They can't do deals without Fox's sign-off. It's mind-boggling that the conference agreed to this arrangement.
  11. Really good call-out that I did not catch. Thinking this is Yam Yam's game
  12. No one has argued against that. What's being challenged is the claim that B1G was going to invite Mizzou.
  13. A 2010 report from a KC radio station is your proof?
  14. That seems like a solid guess to me. Been scratching my head the past few episodes. Like others have said, not feeling this season.
  15. My favorite of this season: Who wants to smell Greg's finger, huh? Guess the scent. Win a buck,
  16. Not sure, but I think they were files about the plan to fire Cyd. It was Logan's directive, and I think Tom knows he's fucked running ATN without her.
  17. Colin was the one person in his life who wasn't always angling to get something from Roy. That's why he considered him his best friend, imo. But it also shows the quality of Roy's relationships when his fixer is his best "friend".
  18. I didn't totally believe he actually said that, so just googled for video...and the dumbf-ck actually did!
  19. Newspaper used to publish tournament earnings in the 80s. Early 80s top prize was $72K for almost all tournaments. High paying tourneys shelled out $90K
  20. I dunno. It bugged me, and I'm just a spectator.
  21. Who's old enough to remember when CBS was only allowed to televise the back 9 on Saturday and Sunday? That was it or tv coverage.
  22. Damn, until closer look I thought The Walrus and that short Welsh drunkard were Augusta National members. They got old.
  23. My initial assumption to Kendall's reaction to the Mattson call wasn't that he sensed weakness, rather that Mattson had become another Logan figure, dismissing Kendall, telling him not to make waves or else, etc. Kendall said, fuck this. Roman is actually showing more business acumen than either of his siblings. He understood the potential of what Mattson had built, handled a delicate one-to-one meeting with Mattson in Season 3 well, was the only sibling who kept his head during the Pierce negotiations. He still bows to his older siblings, but I can see why Logan would sincerely want him on his team.
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