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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. Sark.... You don't take pts off the board, and you sure don't make that play call on fourth and three. Cross the field pass. Fuck
  2. damn looked like that was going to be a terrible play call. Shitty ref call.
  3. Nice motherfucking defensive play. You don't see that happen too often! Fucking A...
  4. Miss State throws a few new wrinkles at Sark. Couple of setbacks slow us down. We hang on for 42-24 win. 500yds total offense.
  5. Yeah. He wasn't about to risk that nat'l championship on a pass.
  6. That was one of the greatest games of all time. Would-be Nat'l Title three-peater USC, with two star RBs, was up 38-26 with six min left in the game. Before the final drive, I recall a critical stop had to be made around our 35 yard line. On 4th and two or so instead of giving Reggie Bush, they went with big Lyle (?) White. One of our star safeties, or was it the Cornerback came thru the line and with some help, stopped him within inches of a first down. Also, on that final drive, tight end Thomas (Dave ?) had to drag two tacklers about five yards to get out of bounds and stop the clock. (It might have been a critical first down as well.) We had just enough time left for VY to work his magic. He was phenomenal. Pure storybook.
  7. Just plain fuck this team. Led by non other than Dak Fucking Prescott. The least inspiring QB in the league. What are the Jets paying Rodgers? Dak just going thru the motions. And off the field, the leader is Jerry Fucking (ED) Jones. Who could possibly give a fuck about him? Just plain fuck this team. Thank God for the Longhorns. Off to play some tennis and get some rays. Drop a couple of pounds too. Remember:
  8. I think Jerry has ED issues which explains his need to hire AND underpay shitty coaches. A real coach is a threat to Jerry's manhood, which has been coming up short his whole life.
  9. Obviously they've been studying game films and have scripted special plays to jump on top
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