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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. I liked his play calling last Sat. Lot of misdirection. Also, CSU's D simply had no idea whether the next play would be a run or a pass. That was a Cowboy trait back in the Aikman days. First and goal from the 5... Pass. You just never knew. I'll give both the O and D A's for execution. If the D has a good game, we win handily. If not, it'll be touch and go. Gotta give us the edge over their homefield advantage
  2. Unlike the coaching or QBing on either side tonight, this IS impressive
  3. Talk about laying down... One more TD wouldn't really be piling on...
  4. If Quinn has a bad game and we reached the point where we're going to lose unless the QB gets it together - like right now, Say we're twenty down or even just fourteen... Sark absolutely should put in Manning.
  5. One thing about streaming, you're running 20+ seconds behind. Hook'em!
  6. Shitty third down and short call. Running lateral to LOS?
  7. re Vandy... Well, Fuck. Hard streaming two games at once.
  8. https://Thetvapp.to/tv/espnews-live-stream/
  9. Figured there was a chance he'd miss it at 45yds, but after that run... What a bunch of fuckheads
  10. I'll take that deal over Dak any day. Evers is smart. Fucking Dak.... He's also accurate, just like a young Troy Aikman. Aikman fucking rocked almost immediately (yeah, I know. That first year was more like rocky... but there was never any doubt that he was gonna be great.). Imagine old Jer' shuffling off to Buffalo about the same time. New, non-barnyard coach? Get some excitement back into the mix. The team probably needs to take a bath this year. Get some very high draft pics. Another good reason for dumping Dak. The sooner he's a bad memory, the better.
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