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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. Injury prone, 16 or 17 starts. I just don't see Ewers going that high in the draft. I think he hangs around another year.
  2. Up to now, it sounds like Sark is telling Manning, and the Manning family, that he thinks MM is a better option. Maybe he'll change his view in the off season - or maybe he won't. If Ewers returns next year, which is a strong possibility, who the hell thinks Manning is going to play third string next year? Redshirting is not an option. Sure, Arch, we'll give you a chance to be backup, which itself would only mean you'll throw five passes in four games next year - that is, unless we continue to think MM deserves more of a chance than you. Manning isn't gonna stick around for this bullshit. Again, redshirting is not an option. He's got a career in the NFL waiting for him, and if that means jumping on an amazing opportunity at FSU, or Georgia, or who knows, Notre Dame, he'll take it. MM isn't gonna win another game. They've got his number now. He's had two games, and IMHO, he'll never make the pros. You cannot risk losing Manning because MM is a great guy and wonderful human being. They're all great guys - but if Sark loses Manning to keep MM around, he better start polishing up his resume.
  3. We've got three QBs with room for two. Manning is not going to be 3rd string next year. He'll leave the program. Now is the time to make the decision. Hey, give Manning a shot and if he shits the bed, let's go forward with Maalik next year, but putting this season on Maalik's shoulders is a mistake. We've got a good team supporting Manning. Let's give him a shot.
  4. That problem wasn't the call for a FG, it was the play calling that got him into a third and nine, or whatever. He took his foot off the gas for just a moment. On third and nine, he ran the football with a QB who had just completed 17 in a row. He had to kick the FG.
  5. Ewers has a quick release I don't think you can coach, and his accuracy on short and intermediate passes is phenomenal. That's what we'll see from Manning - at least with a little seasoning - starting this week.
  6. His arm isn't anywhere near Ewers'. Sorry. Ewers, by and large, had an amazing year passing, even though he hasn't had that many starts. I kind of expect to see the exact same thing from Manning. Both, highly, highly sought after HS QBs
  7. Maalik shouln't even be in the conversation at this point. Either Quinn comes back, or Sark gets Manning started on his rise to fame and fortune. Anything less is a bit of a slap in the face to Manning. There is NO as in ZERO reasons not to give him his shot. Ewers could well come back next week and then get injured again the week after. The time to prepare for a NATTY is now, this fucking week.
  8. Perfect opportunity to get Maalik his first run of the day. Fake the ball to Brooks, everybody bites, take off on a thirty yard run, drag tacklers into the end zone from five yards out. Place in history secured.
  9. Like Landry said - just a feeling... and an incredibly shitty win today, with possibly a starting QB who's likely in traction at some Hill Country Resort/Sanitarium surrounded by a bevy of braless coeds... and an RB who is a little hobbled... other injuries... just a feeling
  10. We should be worried about TCU - big time. Don't think they're coaches won't watch this game film.
  11. We drop at least one spot... Forget all this take the points. That's usually my call, but one of those resulted in a TD. Best case scenario for TTP is +9, -7. And if we had a really good play caller, we should have converted on one of those other 4th and 3s, making it +14 for going for it. We got the horses, we just need a different QB and a better play caller. But we'll drop a notch in the rankings. And... WTF is wrong with Ewers, anyhow? Is he gonna be back next week? What are the docs saying?
  12. Bouncing titty posts are the best! Never stop. Never
  13. With Ewers, we win 48-10. With Manning, we win 38-17. Oh, and Klieman choked
  14. What a great win! Why this is the best fucking team in the history of the Big 12! Yeehaw. Truth is, we've got a week to right the ship. Get Ewers healthy, Get Manning ready. Take your fucking foot off the brake. Fuck
  15. How many passes did we throw over the middle to our RBs?
  16. Another pathetic offensive showing. Second string QB, nevertheless - Maalik is not the guy to take us to the promised land. The sooner SArk realizes this, the better
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