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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. Two, count 'em, two chickenshit calls in one
  2. Kicked in the teeth. Wake the fuck up, Cowboys
  3. He wasn't even rushing the QB. Fuck
  4. The stupid motherfucker lined up offsides
  5. Somebody intercept one of those!
  6. Enough of this eight yard run bullshit!
  7. Why it's that speedy Dallas D
  8. Shoulda been a penalty... And Dak sucks
  9. I think Sark took his foot off the pedal on that last drive for the go-ahead FG. He thought what a lot of others were thinking. Slow it down, run some time off the clock, drive for any kind of score as long as we give it back to OU with only a few seconds on the clock. We needed one first down to be able to do just that - but he became less aggressive on the play calling. Found ourselves in third and long and settled for a FG with over a minute left. Ewers had completed about twenty in a row, then suddenly we got conservative.
  10. On that last Texas drive, when we were trying to kill the clock, on third and long, seems like Sark called a run play that netted five or so and centered the ball for a FG. He had two choices: We saw one play out. We lost. The other was to go for a first down with a pass. If you get it, you run out the clock and win. If you don't, an incompletion stops the clock, you gotta punt and OU has one timeout left. He put the games in the hands of the D, and they failed. I'd like to blame him, but he may have made the percentage call. The D we'd become used to didn't show up. Looked like a basic prevent set up instead of blitzing and forcing errors. Common fucking mistake that cost us. That said, a punt could have pinned OU inside its ten and put extra pressure on their QB. Might have changed the dynamics. Instead we gave them the ball at the 25 after the gimme kickoff
  11. I'd squib this, make em return it take time off clock
  12. I just don't think we can run the clock down. Go for 7. FG isn't gonna win this
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