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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. The QB could've walked that ball into the end zone
  2. Get the QB Under fucking center and put a fullback in there, or at least move the TE to the backfield
  3. I think the punt was the right call. A fake line-up/snap would have been better than just taking the penalty
  4. Punt it. Okay by me. Pin em inside the ten
  5. Terrible call. Lateral attack. Drive killer. Fuck
  6. Texas 28, Alabama 24. Ewers, offensive play calling and the Defense. Limit Ewers to 2 interceptions. . Little jumpy last week but he can pull this off. Would like to see a new offensive wrinkle or two. Get the ball outside to the backs. Sprinkle the field with passes. Maybe two long TDs (Pass, Pass/Run). Need a couple of big QB runs. Five or six would be awesome. Put it in the gameplan. Slide before contact. No penalties. Defense. Three sacks, two picks, one fumble recovery. Hoping for a miracle. Sark, time to get it together.
  7. Is there some rule against throwing two curves in a row? That hitter wasn't even close to strike 2.
  8. Would have been an epic SB. It would have been fitting if one of the officiating crew had walked across the field and thrown a flag at the feet of the fucking ref who let this one go. That fucker should have been thrown out of the business. In fact, the entire crew should have been banned from officiating pro football in the future.
  9. Fuck refs who make "judgement" calls. Nice reminder.
  10. The refs ought to call holding every time they fucking see it, and after a couple of weeks, it would be virtually eliminated from the game. The game would change overnight. A lot more scoring, a lot more pressure on the QB, more emphasis on hard hitting and running, and on and on. A defensive back shouldn't be allowed to impede a receiver's momentum any more than he should be allowed to use that player's momentum to his advantage. Leaving these fucking referees to decide on degrees of holding is insane. The NFL has been turned into a bunch of fucking accountants measuring miliseconds. The same applies when a receiver catches a ball, tucks it and then fumbles it when he's hit... Yesterday, the fucking refs took away a KC TD because the receiver didn't make "a football move," or some such bullshit. Get the refs out of the game (i.e., stop their judgement on degrees of holding, or degrees of catching.) The fucker caught the ball. Then he fumbled it. Football should be hard clean play, and cheaters should be kicked out of the game - at least temporarily. Just stop it. Two holding calls - you're gone for a quarter. Tough shit. Then we'll see the announcers looking at a replay saying, "hey, there's the hold. there's no dispute. End of argument, let's play football. Instead we have measured movement up and down the field. Every series there's a penalty because someone decided they could get away with cheating and a ref decided to finally call him on it, and far too many good plays are called back for... wait for it... cheating. It's getting so that every goddamned game's outcome is determined by a ref's call (or non-call). (See KC v Cinn). Games without rules, games with constant cheating, aren't nearly as much fun as when players are put on a level playing field and have to use their wits and athleticism to win. That concludes my rants for the year on how they're turning the game of football into a chess match.
  11. They could have at least kept the "mascot." The Kansas City Texans. would have really been fitting back in the Priest Holmes and Jamaal Charles days
  12. They hold on every fucking play. They deserved it. The Chiefs had a couple of horrendous calls, one brought back a TD
  13. Shittiest hail mary in SB History. Congrats Jalen
  14. Good coaching wins another one. Fuck you eagles and up your ass Jerry
  15. It would seem signing an above average QB to a mega million dollar contract is a lot like marrying someone - hard to get rid of without a lot of grief.
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