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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. Superbowls 31 to present... Shit coaches. That's on the team's SOS owner.
  2. Zeke wouldn't be as good as Moose at some things.. at others, he'd be better.
  3. Not the players. They kicked ass in the first half. The coaches called off the dogs in the second half. They weren't ready for halftime adjustments thrown at them and went more basic. They cut back on the deception. They took Dak's legs out of the game. We had some injuries, but it was the offense that shit the bed in the second half.
  4. It's because nobody else is running that kind of attack that it can work - you just gotta have an OC who knows what he's doing. Let Zeke block for Pollard. Give him ten touches a game. Five quick hitters, five passes. I think he'd do it because he knows his glory days are over. Then when Dak goes back to pass, the LBs don't know who's staying in to block and who's swinging out. Maybe both. Meanwhile Pollard racks up 150yds per game plus what he gets on screen passes. Dak would still have three receivers in the game. Remember Harper, Irving? Who was the tall skinny tight end? Hell of a football player. Seems we have one of those right now. Use the tight end more. Forget this four wide out shit with zero deception. It's fine until the chips are down.
  5. At least it looks like the crunch time torch has been passed from Zeke to Pollard. I wish Fat Mike could learn to use both at the same tiime. Dallas with Daryl Johnston and Emmitt was unstoppable. Had they involved Pollard even more in OT, we would have won. I suspect Moore can't handle the heat. McCarthy looks like a drunk. Assuming they don't lose out the regular season, if they lose in the first round of the playoffs, Jerry should fire the lot.
  6. Didn't the announcer say it was short. Looked short to me
  7. Yep that's what I was wondering. First kick was short. Icing fails again. Let the fucking kicker remeasure the foot needed
  8. The motherfucker got outta bounds. I don't care what NFL rules say, that's his forward motion
  9. They needed the First down. They needed to pass. Just not the long ball
  10. Halftime adjustment note: get Zeke the fuck off the field
  11. Forget the run game! Forget the play action! We gotta pass! It's our only hope, up by ten!
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