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Irish Wrist Watch

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Everything posted by Irish Wrist Watch

  1. From ESPN.com A number of Dallas players, including quarterback Dak Prescott and left guard Tyler Smith, stood up for McCarthy following the loss to the Packers. They said they appreciated McCarthy's willingness to take care of their health and well-being during the course of the season.
  2. Halfway thru the first Episode of "Ted" (Peacock). It's funny as hell. Warning: politically incorrect. Never seen the word "motherfucking" on TV before. Not ever sure I've seen it in a movie. Didn't know what to expect, but I like it. PS Haven't seen the movie released in 2012 with Mark Wahlberg.
  3. Jerry, you owe it to Fat Mike to cut him loose now so he can begin entertaining all the job offers that are going to come rolling in. Possibly every team in the nation wants him. Don't fire him after all those jobs have been filled.
  4. So Munch munched. Almost all of the Ruby Ridge angle was a letdown - other than the killings of Lorraine's lawyer and Whit. Predicted a Whit/Roy showdown just didn't think Whit would be so damn stupid. Dot with a rifle was not interesting. Lorraine has one decent scene, once again, essentially a no-show. Gator's fucking sorry! Not good enough. Not even close. Yeah, tie him to a tree blind, but surround him with boiling hot springs. Or Snatch-caliber hungry pigs. Gator wakes up, eyes obviously cut out, feels around and finds he has been handcuffed to two-foot thick tree and is given a ten-inch hacksaw. Fuck Gator. Missed opportunities: Roy jumps accross table for Lorraine, but her designated inmates drag him screaming down the hall - screaming. They're saying, "come on, Sweetie" etc. Wayne puts something in Munch's orange drink, he gets groggy, then angry, begins wreaking havoc, daughter puts him away, gun preferred, but big knife, garrote would have worked. Or Wayne finally steps up. They feed Munch something really nasty, like Drano. Roy is taken to hospital in Ambulance, kills its crew, escapes and disappears completely, uniquely, for one year, returning for final showdown at Dot's house. Good season, but I think the writers got a bit lazy, landed other gigs, etc. Wouldn't be surprised if unlike previous seasons, they continued this storyline - Roy cultists help him escape via fake suicide.
  5. Although Young seems to focus on Jones, he mentions "the last four years." He's talking about McCarthy's coaching - not just Jerry's refusing to give a coach free rein.
  6. The FJJ/Fat Mike Cowboys have become a national laughing stock And the news just keeps on coming. From CBS Cowboys' Dak Prescott says he 'sucked' in upset loss vs. Packers, now tied for worst postseason record by QB (msn.com)
  7. Per Stephen A Smith, Aaron Rodgers called McCarthy a buffoon. Per CBSSports.com The story also states that Rodgers got tired of seeing his receivers run the same routes all the time, which only happened because McCarthy refused to change his offense. To fix things, Rodgers apparently decided to start changing the plays that McCarthy was calling on the field, which happened nearly one-third of the time. Basically, things got so bad that receivers weren't sure if they should run the routes that McCarthy had called or if they should run the routes that Rodgers had called. That led to an ugly situation in November involving Equanimeous St. Brown. The site also directs to an interesting post from Sean McGown:
  8. What a stupid decision. I would have taken the penalty if it had given me a first down, but otherwise no coach turns down the points. There's plenty of time if their D can step up, or make a big play
  9. Every close game this weekend has featured a "missed" call by officials on the most important play of the game. When the chips are down, grab onto your opponent and it won't get called
  10. What I remember most about McCarthy's hire, was that FJJ didn't interview anybody else (or maybe one or so). In an industry/sport filled with up'n'comers, filled with innovative minds and future hall of fame coaches, that stupid fucking hillbilly hired a coach nobody else wanted without talking to any other candidates. How many fucking years of grief with this fuck who was goddamn out of fucking work - and wasn't going anywhere. I think the hire came down to the fact that McCarthy came cheap. Seems to me that many years ago I heard an interview with Pete Carroll who interviewed with Jones, maybe when he was leaving UCLA, or thinking about it, but he said that he and Jerry had agreed to everything - set to go, but then the Cowboys came thru with an offer - an offer which Carroll said would have made him the lowest paid coach in the league. He knew right then it was time to cut bait. Jones of course ends up hiring one of those transition groups, maybe Chan Gailey or Dave Campo - complete duds. Now everyone is talking about Bellichick, a coach who has a major losing record in the NFL in all games without Tom Brady. A coach who couldn't innovate any kind of return for New England post Brady. A coach who told his owner that Brady should be traded, that he was done. (After which, Brady goes down to Tampa and wins another Super Bowl.) I hope FJJ doesn't make the same fucking mistake he made when he hired Fat Fuck.
  11. You'd think that shithead McCarthy and shithead Quinn don't talk to each other during the game. It's as if a Defensive Coordinator doesn't see what an opposing offense is doing when his D is getting smeared, and he's incapable of relaying a suggestion or two to the OC, in this case McCarthy when he can't get on track. Works both ways. And FWIW, Bayless, whom y'all despise, repeated a couple of quotes from Trey Lance's past coaches that make him sound like the second coming of Christ. What did Fat Mike do to develop him - to put pressure on Prescott to up his game? I know nothing about him except that I heard one pundit say he was the only highlight in one of our pre-season games this year. Sorry, but fuck Cooper Rush. Rush him the fuck outta town.
  12. So I guess McCarthy will retire to his barn and begin marathon study of NFL trends. For some reason this pic from the movie Se7en comes to mind.
  13. Cowboys locker room: pre-game motivational bulletin board (McCarthy's sloth bled over to his players):
  14. Thanks for all the useful feedback. After weighing all the comments: bottom line: I decided to go with the 15. Okay, now seriously. There are at least a few of you who think that any vaccine recommended by the CDC is A-OK. That if there was a problem with a new vaccine taken by millions, we'd know about it after a year or so. I mean how could there be a problem with the Prevnar 20 since it seems there were no problems with the P-13? One of Google's first site recommendations was very pro-vaccine (https://www.goodrx.com/prevnar-20/comparing-prevnar-20-with-pneumonia-vaccines). It discusses side effects which can be severe. Even when mild, they didn't sound like something I, in perfect health, want to spend a weekend with. It also says this: "Serious side effects are rarely seen with Prevnar 13. Lower respiratory infection, gastroenteritis (stomach infection), and pneumonia are the most common ones. But they occurred in 1% or less of children who received Prevnar 13" Hey only one out of a hundred or so see these serious side effects - at least in children, it doesn't even mention adults. But I'm not so sure I like those odds in light of the testing organizations' checkered pasts regarding such studies. In talking health with a sixty year-old business associate last week, he told me that he was recently diagnosed with a rare blood disorder. An ex amateur athlete, it took doctors a while to figure out why he had an enlarged heart, and when they inserted something in it, he developed a blood clot. So now he's taking several medicines to thin his blood and he's not too happy with the results. And I'm guessing he'll NEVER be able to stop taking them. Of course, he took the Covid Vaccine (yes, I know, an mRNA vax). It's been my experience that even the most popular prescription medications have minor side effects which make you feel just a little off kilter. How do multiple drugs interact in any given person? I think it's just a roll of the dice. The new Prev 20 has been out about a year or so, I guess. I think I'll roll my own dice, try to avoid compromising situations, and give the jury another year for a verdict on it. Thanks for all the input. Will probably end up taking it next year. Depends on how sick I get this year. Looking forward to this year's new variation of Covid, one of which will come around every year for the rest of our lives. No post on health would be complete without thanking the NIH and Wuhan for their contributions.
  15. The only reason we won the Division is Philly's collapse.
  16. Michael Irvin - McCarthy took a "Coaching Spanking." "The most valuable franchise in the world and we get a coach who says, 'we were not ready." "All on Coaching".
  17. So I guess Failure is an option after all. If you lost money betting on these shitheads, you should join Jerry Jones in the Assholes Ring of Honor
  18. Choking Hazard. Feel free to start the off season thread with this pic
  19. It was Jerry who saddled us with this loser QB. Had he cut Dickwad loose instead of throwing money at him, we might have one of any number of exciting QBs playing the game today. The Dak/Fat Mike combo keeps our draft position down and then disintegrates come playoff time. Lazy is probably the best word to describe both. Could Dak be salvageable wit a good Coach? Maybe, but I don't think he's worth it. Have a long talk with the jackass. Stay in Dallas and make less, or go out on the market and make less. Move on. Fresh coach, fresh talent ala 3-13 Houston last year. This team wasn't prepared today. It was the same old same old. Lazy Motherfuckers. White Trash Embarrassment.
  20. Bullshit. If McCarthy was fired and then hired by someone else as a HC, he'd be the first one that has happened to in twenty years
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