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Everything posted by cabowabo

  1. Iโ€™m officially done with Quinn. And they cannot snap this.
  2. None of that was Quinnโ€™s fault.
  3. Well that's a relief. We certainly would not want to be inhumane to rats and mice. Lulz.
  4. God damn..... y'all are insufferable.
  5. And had not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1897.
  6. Go away Kamala. Hopefully never to be seen or heard from again.
  7. They got my love. https://www.newsweek.com/starr-county-texas-most-hispanic-county-donald-trump-1981230
  8. Lulz.
  9. Like the 2nd Amendment, the 9 member Supreme Court, the filibuster, yada yada yada.
  10. I'm just happy we don't have to hear cries about abolishing the electoral college for the next 4 years.
  11. My vote is not why she got her ass kicked last night.
  12. Oh for fuck's sake. It had nothing to do with her sex or color and everything to do with her policies and constant bobbing and weaving on issues. She would not answer basic questions to the American public. She wouldn't even take a position on Prop 36 (Anti-Crime Proposition), a proposition that was approved by 70% of voters in the Peoples Republic of California.
  13. You know exactly what Iโ€™m talking about. The fact that yaโ€™ll wonโ€™t even admit to or recognize them is your first problem.
  14. Results from Hidalgo County: Trump/Vance: 110,415 Harris /Walz: 103,952 Results from Cameron County: Trump/Vance: 60,925 Harris/Walz: 54,156 Results from Starr County: Trump/Vance: 9,443 Harris/Walz: 6,845 Unbelievable. This is reflective of the reasons why the Dems got their asses kicked last night. And no, it wasnโ€™t racist, Nazi white men. Your wacko policies (or lack thereof) cost you your base. Deal with it
  15. Of course he will. Bidenโ€™s legacy is shot and he has nothing to lose. I would pardon Hunter if I was him.
  16. Yep, Hunter Biden will be the first one.
  17. Can anyone provide me a good reason not to buy the gun below? https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-sabre-10a1-forged-12-5-308-pistol-w-rifle-speed-gas-block-and-sba-4-brace-moss-green.html I'm itching for a new Hog hunting weapon. I currently primarily use a Tavor 7 (16 inch barrel). I also have a Diamondback DB10 (16 inch barrel) that I can also use to launch 308 pills at the bastards. I have found that with the 16 inch barrel and a suppressor, I can shoot a few rounds without ear pro without my ears being destroyed. I'll bet a 12.5 with suppressor would be significantly louder. The smart play would probably be to get the 16 inch Sabre, but I like the compactness of the 12.5. Plus, it looks fucking cool.
  18. With all due respect, Aggy was ranked 10. How long is this interview gonna go?
  19. Texas vs Aggy tickets just became a little more affordable.
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