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Everything posted by cabowabo

  1. Could it be Mason Miller headed our way?
  2. Great channel for WW2 stuff. A lot about D Day / Normandy. https://www.youtube.com/@TheHistoryUnderground
  3. This is all a big god damn conspiracy.
  4. What the fuck are you waiting for?
  5. Should be some chain of custody deal on that glove. I can see these umps dumping some shit into it so they don’t get egg on their face.
  6. It was fun while it lasted. Godspeed buddy.
  7. When do playoff tickets go on sale? Is Academy staying open late tonight?
  8. Julia’s lucky we love her so much……
  9. Anyone other than Bagwell announcing I guess.
  10. Oh yay…Julie doing play by play. I love gimmick nights.
  11. So talented and so empowering to women everywhere.
  12. What a POS. A person should really think about the conflicts they insert themselves into in this day and age. And there is no fucking reason, especially in Houston, for going out without carrying a concealed handgun.
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