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Sidney Sherman

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Everything posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. He's not wrong, millennials have a microphone to the world in their pocket at all times. They tend to make stupid announcements like this one that they will regret later.
  2. It's an attempt to give someone a free education, and options with their life other than sports. So if they are injured, isn't it more useful for them to be college educated and have a career they can fall back on?
  3. I hate the NFL as well, I follow different college players from Florida and Texas that I like, but the NFL is too rigged for me. I understand people want to get paid to play it, but do the cost analysis of being a team player, you play one more bowl game, one more season at Texas... You go from being drafted round 6 to being drafted round 1 or 2. You go from making $2M signing bonus and $1M guaranteed to making $400k. The money is at the top, the guys drafted at the top are players you can build a team around, AKA TEAM PLAYERS. http://www.businessinsider.com/nfl-draft-contract-values-2017-4
  4. Maybe Mack was just thinking long-long-long term plans. Ensure the next guy gets fired, come back and linger around for the following coach to lean on. Prove it was Mack's excellent assistant coach management that was winning all those games.
  5. "The juniors who left were told Herman badmouthed them to NFL scouts" Who would do such a thing?
  6. Does he realize his new NFL coaches and owners have just put him on the social media retard list? That's going to cost him bucks. If his ego is worth shit-talking his former coaches, so be it.
  7. Delete user, ban thread
  8. Please let this dude be the rock the O line needs. Cant wait for Hand to get him to all big 12 status.
  9. Detention officers aren't exactly in the law enforcement brotherhood. Castration eh? Honestly I think don't waste the money torturing this fuck by keeping him alive in any way. A .22 to the dome costs a dime.
  10. For sure Austin is worse. But 610 is OBSESSED with the Texans and they always act like these piece of shit QBs are just going to come in and run BoB's offense and everything is going to be great. Maybe it's what they are told to do as official Texans radio but it gets fucking old. Plus they ignore the Rockets because after Nick Wright interviewed Morrey the Rockets bailed them. Plus they are a bunch of queer aggys I think.
  11. We aren't human if we torture others.
  12. ALL THE BADASS ACTORS! Why did they change directors?? Hopefully the people that design these stupid identical trailers aren't involved with the actual movie in any way.
  13. Maybe they can start doing them without the CGI or something to make some money?
  14. All the Houston radio is trash. 790 was a little better than 610 I guess, but they are both shit. Glad Nick Wright made it out and big though, he was pretty cool.
  15. Isolation long-term is actually a worse sentence than death from shanking. It's torture. http://solitarywatch.com/2013/04/15/opposing-the-architecture-of-isolation-architects-against-solitary-confinement/ Just execute the fucker as humane as possible.
  16. And give you some GM seeds you have to buy yearly with your permit, license, registration, forms, taxes, regulatory fees, ect... Also big pharma will get in there some way to compensate for people self-medicating with weeds instead of buying their drugs.
  17. Also big alcohol will be damaged by this. Hard to say if that's a good or bad thing. It will defiantly be a bad thing if the cigarette goons use their money and influence to somehow fuck up weed and force a shit ton of additives and rat poisons in the "legal" dope.
  18. They have let CFL players smoke for a while. I knew a QB that played up there. There's also Rickey.
  19. https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/galveston/news/article/Galveston-police-to-reveal-notable-development-in-13009109.php Im curious about the father, grandparents, aunts and other family that just kept their mouths shut for 8 months. Maybe one of them gave the tip that led to the arrest?
  20. It's a boxing scoring system that the idiots in the athletic commissions pushed on MMA. It's tough to judge an MMA fight with 3 boxing judges and a must point system. Martial arts competitions judged by people strait from boxing.
  21. It was sad for me watching Reem. He needs to go to Japan and get back on the gas if he wants to keep fighting, but damn he's making great money still in the UFC. Just don't want him to be too brain damaged, he seems like a good dude.
  22. Yeah Romea blew out his ACL in round 1 and Whitaker defended takedowns the rest of the fight on one leg and won. This fight Whitaker punched Romeros elbow and broke his hand early in the fight and hung in there. Whitaker is a tough sonofabitch. One of my favorite fighters.
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