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Sidney Sherman

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Everything posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. Nice, thank you. I figured it wouldn't be much tree cover and pretty hot out there on the trails. My wife and I are in good shape, we will pack a good amount of water and our hammocks.
  2. Its gonna be Curry/Lebron part 5, get hype! Meanwhile KD is carrying the team but doesn't sell as well as Curry.
  3. Yup. Why I stopped watching the nfl too. Its just sloppily rigged. At least the nfl has it down where they can make it kind of exciting.
  4. Yeah thats enough for me. Shove our guy no call, bullshit call the other way. Obvious how this ones gonna go.
  5. FUCK they arent going to call fouls on Draymond, jam it in his face so he gets booted from this damn game.
  6. What a turd. Hope he gets cut.
  7. Hey is there no bitchasses here? I was told to leave the game thread by a literal aggy.
  8. I remember. Thats why I said Rockets in 5, and everyone laughed at me. The combination of shooting poorly AND getting zero calls so the nba could extend the series was shit. Finally a NayNay sighting. Reggie losing his mind on that new "Harden call". Dont he know they changed the way they call that so Harden can't keep getting 3 free throws every time doen the court?
  9. Lol IN THE AIR gets a charge. Wow
  10. Clearly a foul going uncalled, when on the other end you cant touch curry or you pick up your 3rd and 4th fouls. The NBA is such a joke.
  11. Wow zero calls going the Rockets when just when they needed to hang with them. Fucking garbage how they are officiating these Rockets drives.
  12. Rockets need to go on a run here. Lol refs will make sure it doesn't happen. Two fouls in a row for the baby.
  13. Lol never go full Chola. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2022521-kevin-durants-top-10-clutch-shots How come like all of his big game clutch shots were with OKC? why was he constantly having to bail them out? Why did he leave?
  14. Lol this team is full of bitches and then theres Durant. Iggy is a clown.
  15. Gee who knows why KD couldn't win in OKC.
  16. Jesus deny ball, instant double on KD. Flopping is working well for Curry that time. Must be nice.
  17. Gerald Green better show up. Wow Draymond just cant keep his trap shut. Lol Curry can just hold guys while falling down no biggie.
  18. Does Reggie Miller realize Harden had Pat beverly instead of CP3 last year?
  19. Sure thing, sport. 2010 grad. How is East Texas treating ya? I loved hunting out there in those Pines.
  20. Hes mastered the step back, or step left, or step right and instantly shoot. Instead of creating space by fading away, he makes a move and shoots normal. Also draws people into running into him whike hes shooting because its a different rhythm than normal shots. Durant does look pretty fucking unstoppable right now. Somebodies gonna have to put him on his ass and see if they can get him off his game.
  21. Barkley the notorious Rockets hater, (he says they still owe him $$ for his year of ball in Houston) thinks it takes too much energy to play iso ball. Meanwhile the warriors are constantly running in circles and setting screens and running without the ball the whole game.
  22. Wait, if Draymond was 5'8" and elbowed a 6'10" guys butt who was trying to block him from going down the court we would be crying? Drink and burp more Rick, you are losin' it.
  24. Love CP3 bullying Durant. If they can get inside his head as well as Greens that would be great. Durant can start losing his cool and getting Ts too.
  25. Made up call for a make up call to a make up call.
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