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Sidney Sherman

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Everything posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. The Earth has likely 4-6 billion years left. Around then the sun will go all red giant and roast the fuck out of Earth.
  2. G Ball - Oh how the mighty have fallen. Damn hurricane Ike took all the talent. They are 3A now I believe. Now there is two more Clear schools, both for things that dont exist around here. Falls and springs.
  3. I think I know who the sock poster is.
  4. Fozzy Whittaker. The dude was hard to tackle, thats if you can catch em, and if he doesnt juke ya. We had to gang tackle him most of the time. Plus Pearlands line was pretty good. He scored like 4 TDs on us in a game. Sad how his career has been so wrecked by injuries. Just saw hes injured again placed on IR, torn ACL.
  5. woe that's fucking gnarley. So is this mini hdmi like the same width and a bit thinner than hdmi? Dang I'm thinking about buying this 3B+, looks pretty cool. Can I get the whole kit from ada fruit or do I have to buy it and figure out what I'm missing and need to buy after.
  6. heh, my sarcasm detector is broke. whats a pi-hole? Mini HDMI? Maybe it's mini DVI, that connection is actually pretty sweet it works well, I have one on my laptop.
  7. Wow I've heard some Chris Del Conte before but other than Chip Brown going "uh" between his pauses this guy sounds awesome. 26 page script of fucking advertisements stripped down to 1 page. No more momentum killers, this guy is the real deal. It ALL matters, stop fucking with the flow of the game and the atmosphere with these fucking ads.
  8. C'mon only 5 burnt orange ties and only one with longhorns? Git gud.
  9. MUH WORLD WARS Man it feels bad reading their shit and making fun of them. I honestly wish they would just be normal and represent Texas with a bit more honor.
  10. Man I got off track on some Far Cry 5.
  11. Not exactly how it works. It's a competition to solve the blocks/transactions or you don't get a piece of the coin. Speed matters, Frys is out of 1070 and 1080 cards for a reason. You can't compete with the newest cards, you will never solve the problem in time to get any BTC. Even with 1000 of these little mini PCs you won't solve the same as one 1080 can solve, and these guys have 40 of them stacked.
  12. Great idea. Interesting to see if it actually ends up working or just being another Musk Green Scheme. I would prefer elevated maglev rails.
  13. They will still beat Rumblins Arizona.
  14. For sure he's a PG my dude!
  15. How many off-ball illegal screens get called? I'm hoping the Rockets switch these too and steal the ball on these damn rhythm plays.
  16. They know Texas is focused on getting Texas best recruits too. Plus WRTS was a massive failure.
  17. Lol damn Tristian Thompson was left handed until he became right handed.
  18. Maybe it's just boston teams and fans are annoying as fuck. I was sad to see Kyrie go there because I love watchin him play.
  19. Who takes it? I got the Lebrons in 5.
  20. He just seems like a doushe. Great coach though, they are doing well with him. Punchable face.
  21. Saric was carrying them for a while in the critical 4Q though, assists, 3 ball, and post up. I blame Reddick, he missed a wide open 3 when they were tied. I would rather see LeGOAT rekt these fucking cocky Celtics anyway. The two celtic players I like are injured. The coach and city is shit.
  22. The bigs can get hammered with no foul called. Small guys can make contact look like a lot and get the calls.
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