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Sidney Sherman

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Everything posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. Well, you gonna be waiting. I loved the RDR on PS3, that and NCAA14 along with some NHL legends is all I ever play on console anymore. The real question is, are they going to release the PC version? People have sat around and re-built the entire game by modding GTA5 on PC I believe.
  2. Can confirm. I love the guy, his use of natural stone and working within the environment was great. I have a friend who just had to re-roof one of his houses though, it had a ton of leaks and problems with roof drainage. Bad detailing. This is to be expected of someone who is a visionary though, the great architects should always engage with a consultant to prevent technical failures like this. Even in modern high-end residential buildings, this isn't the case though from what I've seen.
  3. Great thread. Recommended reading. https://www.amazon.com/Vitruvius-Ten-Books-Architecture-Bks/dp/0486206459/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523459277 Not the best audio, but I like this guys take. Ornament has shifted from geometric forms and small accents to being the entire facade. It's going to hopefully get better as parametric modeling and manufacturing advances, but right now I think the art side of buildings has been lost somewhat. Sad that there isn't anymore master craftsmen on the outside of buildings, but understandable with modern wall types and building components.
  4. Awesome. Wilson (82) looks like a TE3 to me, not a WR. I never understood guys wearing long sleeve shirts under their pads and rolling up their jersey. When I was playing ball in HS, we ditched even the under armour and just went shirtless under the pads. Then again, we were practicing on a damn 140 degree rubber pellet field turf. The Texas practice field looks the same as the stadium, it's also field turf? Must be hot as fuck.
  5. This. The dude mailed it in after winning a title with the SemiHoles. Aggy keeps hiring these embarrassing drunks.
  6. I loved Mack. He let VY kick the shit out of USC. Sure he got a bit annoying at the end there, but he made the mistake of keeping GDGD and hiring manny _iaz. It wasn't all him, the recruiting got lazy, the coaches and players got lazy, it was just time. I can't really say he left Texas in shambles, since he brought a National Title, ans had us play for another. That shit is very tough to do. How many big12 teams have played in the title game or made the playoffs the past 30 years? Us and blowU? And they get fucking embarrassed in big games like that. Only time they won is because they played against the semiholes in a snoozebowl.
  7. Could've been the Houston Hurricanes. Red, white, and blue is fine, i don't like the powder blue... The Texans logo is horrible, but I guarantee you they did it because the other teams will bull logos sell well.
  8. Yeah this is the most fucked up part. They wasted Romo's career, hope they do the opposite of what JJ says and Dak has a good run.
  9. Agreed. The big12 logo is a fucking disgrace. BlowU having people slap women around, froggy having people choke bitches out, and rapelor covering up shit. Fucking up the brand with this shit confrence isnt worth it. The two stripes on the sleeves is great.
  10. I still have NCAA2014 for PS3 and get the newest rosters every year and play the shit out of it. https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/ncaa-football-rosters/923744-ncaa-football-14-2018-19-roster-update.html Texas isn't done yet as of now...
  11. Ehlinger and a Hand led offensive line are what I am most excited to see. They hopefully have made the leap. I don't think it will matter who exactly is starting as much as what is the scheme and how do they play together. Also, I'm praying the play calling improves with Hand. Tackle - Anderson, Kerstetter, Rodriguez, and Okafor have experience. Cosmi and Urquidez are there too. I think Anderson and Kerstetter start. Guard - Okafor, Vahe, Grandy, Hudson, Imade, Rodriguez I think Vahe and Rodriguez start. Shackelford at Center. WRs and RBs will probably shuffle so much again it won't matter really who starts. I don't worry at all about defense, because it seems like intensity and scheme is going to win on that side of the ball. Guys will all get some playing time, but the 3-2-6 looks like it will be used quite a bit to control the passing game. If the DBs can get off blocks well enough and tackle well enough to stop the run game, I think 6 of them in there puts the most talent on the field. If the LBs keep being injured maybe 4 -1- 6.
  12. Institution: H.S.C. San Antonio Maybe two more decades they will remove that grey limestone
  13. It has improved somewhat from those years. I'm especially pumped to watch the Herman-led team play this year. I'm contemplating going to OU or TT this year as well as one or two home games. USC should be fun, and a packed house, probably the best game in DKR in 10 years.
  14. WOW Hell yeah. That would look good on a white helmet. I'm jealous of these helmets.
  15. Coolest thing TT ever did.
  16. I'd love day drinking more if it was $3 a beer instead of $8
  17. Least he's honest.
  18. Her face was fucked up before the fight started. She always shows a lot of face damage though. Rose''s leg had a big ole welt on it. Either way, I think to beat the champ you have to dominate or KO, so I would give the fight to Rose. The judging is a poor scoring system, and the judges don't know shit about MMA either.
  19. Maybe for the first half. I think they give college credit to any students who show up so that they can fill in the empty areas. SEC 101 : Pretending to be excited for another 8th place finish in conference
  20. https://247sports.com/college/texas/Bolt/Texas-Longhorns-Football-Mack-Brown-to-make-color-debut-for-Tom-Hermans-Orange-White-Spring-Game-117156019 Mack going to get a trial run as the color commentator for the Spring game. Does LonghornNetwork stream this on their site?
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