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Sidney Sherman

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Everything posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. Four years in a row same finals matchup doesn't interest you? Maybe Lebron can coach up their defense to do what Houston did. Switch everything, switch off-ball screens ect.. they just dont really have the roster like Houston has to do that I guess.. Oh well, there's always Wnba, Drew league and big baller league for thr summer time
  2. Let's see after 4 games in a row with the calls the way they were, I can guess whats going to happen game 7. Same thing as whats going to happen in Boston. 4th finals with the same two teams. Book it. The NBA has never been more predictab- uh profitable!
  3. The story is allready there. That baby Curry and Durant redemption, and CP3s absence cost the Rockets. Even though anyone watching this game could see the fix was in, and the fix definatly be in again game 7. They have a business to run, Durant/Curry sells more than Harden/hurt CP3. The NBA is "sports-entertainment".
  4. Pretty tough when they arent calling obvious fouls on drives. Honestly they can take game 7 and shove it up their ass. The NBA is total shit, Vegas knew the fix was in and set the line appropriately. Anyone in Houston who watches, thinking it's going to be a fair game is delusional. Its so obvious they are fabricating a Boston/Lakers thing with Cleveland/Golden State.
  5. Ahahahahahaha yeah right!
  6. Have they mentioned sold out Toyota center, all money going to Sante Fe? Nah, not in the script lol. Worse than pro wrasslin.
  7. The NBA is complete shit. I wish Houston had a hockey team, I love the Stars though. Oh well.. it was fun until they had to get Durant/Lebron finals again...
  8. Shits rigged vegas always knows.
  9. Funny they havent shown the sold out Houston crowd in Toyota center or mentioned Sante Fe. Must be a different angle they are working this gane with vegas saying -140 on GSW while losing by 10 at half.. Bullshit they dont call that foul on Thompson. Or on Ariza driving there... Goddamn these refs need a fucking reality check. Wew look at all those threes dropping now. Must be nice.
  10. Rockets need to just stay calm and play defense. Their offense is flowing fine, guys shots are finally dropping. I think they need to limp CP3 out there just to calm the guys down...
  11. JAMES FUCKING HARDEN DAMNIT they didn't switch well enough on those stupid off ball screens....
  12. Rockets have been switching those screens away from the ball beautifully and stuffing those plays the past two games.
  14. Full court press from GSW, they are desperate. The officials and the NBA are more desperate lol. This ones gonna be over soon. No foul call on Capela, they need to just start smashing Curry when he drives. Fuck it, I don't see how they keep their composure when the game is obviously going to be rigged.
  15. All according to script. If I was the coach I would've called timeout as soon as PJ and Ariza were goofing off in the corner before Ariza jacked up that retarded 3.
  16. They know something lol.
  17. lol yeah. he likes to do that shit... cut it as close as possible. did y'all watch this shit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW8gyiQC9Zg Morey is a fucking genius. He sat around with a bunch of nerds on computer anaylizing the game a million different ways and built a team specifically for this moment. God I hope it pays off.
  18. It's not crazy, they are going to still play a bit slow iso ball. But one thing Kenny is right about, they need to get into the offense with 13 sec on the shot clock and not 6... It just limits the amount of extra passes and a potential reset if nothing opens up. At 13 sec, either PnR or iso drive/shake open. Either a kick-kick to an open guy, or give it back to James/Eric with 6 secs on the clock. Then they have another chance to get a good shot, rather than just the first go. lol Dantoni is the fucking zen master... "if we get mad too much, we lose energy, stay calm" Cold fucking blooded. Exert your energy digging the knife in as deep as possible. Blood is in the water for these guys, they need to dish out a calm, intelligent, efficient asswhoopin'.
  19. Well they aren't going to give help because they have to watch those moving screens off the ball... So if there's iso action then iso gonna iso. The rockets are betting on Shawn Livingston not being able to out iso-ball James Harden.. I agree.. lol Kenny's dumbass just said James Harden is better without CP3, because he isn't just a one dimensional scorer. PLEASE give me a break. Dude has like a million assists to guys on the wing for 3 and a million more assists alley oops to Capela. Speaking of which, I think they need to go to the PnR with Capela and beast these mother fuckers on some epic alley oops. They literally used to have like 5 or 6 a game, easy, and zero this series.
  20. I'm hoping it does have an impact. Haven't seen much yet, Rockets got a few calls (they deserved), but damn they got some obvious ones wrong against the Rockets... As always... REMINDER Shaq was right. He said GSW didn't have the heart, Kenny and Charles both said the Rockets "have to do something different" to win. Shaq still won't be allowed to talk now that he's sitting there, right as fuck... Oh shit nvm, they let Shaq soft spoken ass do the play-by-play on the highlights ahahah nice!
  21. Bullshit how they didn't give Gordon that free throw at the end there. That would have broke this fragile crowd. GO ROCKETS GIVING ME HOPE IN THE NBA AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  22. Wow did they not see the ball went off golden state???? Even the fucking announcers see this shit is wrong... WOWOWOWOWW DOESN'T MATTER PJ FUCKING TUCKERRRRRR
  23. Or ERIC GORDON BABAY I fucking LOVE CAPELA He fights for the ball, doesn't care, stays calm. Gonna win this jump ball.
  24. Baby gonna throw a pacifier in the 3rd quarter tonight. I can feel it. He's actually getting called for jumping under guys feet.
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