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Saint Austin

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Everything posted by Saint Austin

  1. Cool. So in a year with three in-conference rivals, none of those games will be in Austin??
  2. It's not about competitiveness, it's about having at least one rival be a home game every year.
  3. I think A&M will host the first one. This is their way of throwing the Aggies a bone, and would also allow us to host Arkansas in '24 (since we were up there as recently as '21), and have those two games alternate as home games every other year.
  4. At least Sam Houston St. isn't FCS anymore??
  5. Same boat. Fuck you, date night!
  6. Fuck, does this mean we’ll play a day game Labor Day weekend?? It will be hot as balls.
  7. Even if a majority bitch out and request eight conference games in ‘24, can we revote when we’re official members and put our weight behind nine games?
  8. Any mediocre HOA would take them out before the National Guard even got there.
  9. I can see NC State riding shotgun with UNC. The Wolfpack may be more desirable on the whole to the SEC than a Krzyzewski-less Duke. Likewise, I could also see VaTech as a riding partner with UVA to the SEC.
  10. This is why I’m one of the last of the holdouts. My DVD account will go down with the ship later this year.
  11. How does a low-level asshole receive access to such highly confidential docs?
  12. Is there a reason those types hold Russian Orthodoxy superior to Ukrainian Orthodoxy?
  13. Is anyone else’s Bally Sports feed glitchy AF?
  14. Man, I hate OU, but despite their run last year, feel like they generally don't give a shit about baseball. I think I'd rather play A&M and Arkansas on an annual basis, but I'm sure we'll get OU and A&M.
  15. In a "Football Is King" and post-Coach K world, I don't see Duke ever getting an SEC invite. Also, Kansas is too distant, both geographically and culturally (not to mention shitty in football) to get an invite either, but as an AAU school, I could see them being a one-day B1G invite as a bridge to the LA schools. I think Miami is out, too, due to their weak fanbase and fading legacy.
  16. I'll play: Notre Dame UNC, UVA, and Duke Washington and Oregon Cal, Stanford, and Colorado Georgia Tech Arizona, Utah, and Kansas Boston College, Miami, Pitt, and Syracuse [end of list]
  17. The SEC won't expand west of us.
  18. At least it's a better idea than eating Deep South babies.
  19. Damn, you must have gotten mere steps away from Lincoln before pulling that trigger.
  20. Not just “No,” but “Fuck no!”
  21. Was listening to a segment on The Downbeat and Sirois was talking about "two eligible bachelors" on the show... Rhynes and Danny. I thought he was settled down with a 2-year-old, but maybe I missed something.
  22. Btw, did Danny get divorced again?
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