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Saint Austin

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Everything posted by Saint Austin

  1. I don't know. At least A&M has its own (warped) identity. Tech's only validation is the occasional upset of a big boy.
  2. In my experience, Tech fans have always been more insufferable. The chip on their shoulder dwarfs anything coming out of College Station.
  3. Thanks, all, for the recap and Meatballs gif… Any feedback on Camp La Junta or Camp Longhorn? Apparently some of those eben have waitlists?
  4. I wasn't which board to post this in, but the wife is interested in sending our now-third grade boy to a summer camp in-state for a week or so at some point over the summer. Anyone have any thoughts recs? I did Boy Scout summer camps as a kid, but no other kinds, so I have no idea which places are preferred or should be avoided.
  5. Okay, I finished this last night and liked it, but I was dozing a little, and there's a few things I didn't really get...
  6. Thank you to this thread, and not a Southwest email or app notification, for informing me my DAL-to-IAH flight tomorrow afternoon has been canceled. American is fully booked by now, so I guess it's a boring-ass four-hour drive each way for me.
  7. Sabretooths
  8. Meh, Grandma Saint has been using that term her entire life 😉
  9. Why would the Big Ten want Nebraska? Or Maryland? Or Rutgers?? They care about planting their flag in new territory with AAU schools, and if ND continues to spurn them, then I could definitely see CU as a B1G candidate.
  10. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if CU would make a push to be included as a Big Ten expansion candidate. It's an AAU school, has a significant metropolitan area in the state, and would be a natural bridge between the traditional Big Ten schools and the West Coast add-ons.
  11. I’m also confused as to why
  12. Please take the Israel-Palestine shit elsewhere. kthxbi
  13. What was the name of the incel who hated Texas, moved to Colorado, and had long conversations with himself? Did he take the honorable Japanese way out?
  14. Would the Ukrainian Army consider crossing into Russia proper when advancing from Kamyanka toward Troitske instead of just having to hug the border?
  15. I guess I somehow missed this. What’s the story there?
  16. No, but it's a good start
  17. Checking in to report that slow show remains slow... Oh, and the characters are all fucking stupid.
  18. Not discounting, but still encouraged.
  19. That's encouraging at least. I was worried she might be another Orban.
  20. From wiki: "Islam in Russia is a minority religion. Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe; and according to US Department of State in 2017,[3] Muslims in Russia numbered 14 million or roughly 10% of the total population. According to a comprehensive survey conducted in 2012, Muslims were 6.5% of Russia's population." So, certainly enough to cause Putin headaches on the home front.
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