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Samson's Wig

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  1. Don't worry, when someone finally puts that guy down they'll be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The system is working as intended.
  2. Watching state leadership work to turn UT into the world's leading right-wing university is fascinating. I guess they were getting jealous of the folks down the road in College Station. By comparison to those two, Texas Tech is starting to look like a den of liberals with its leading wind energy research and functioning fine arts departments. The world is genuinely turning upside down.
  3. I'm not arguing with anything else you've written, but there is a 99% likelihood that a dude with a 56" chest is a gigantic lard ass whose body dismorphia has convinced him he's Schwarzenegger. I'm not sure that's the best measure of swagger.
  4. The extra weight isn't exactly the primary turn-off.
  5. Thank you for making me feel better about being smell blind.
  6. Kris is the man. It's not as on point as ole' Dick Chop, urologist to, well, everyone with a penis in Travis County for decades, but a UT kicker as a top podiatrist in town makes me smile nonetheless.
  7. Thanks. I don't know why I had Russians in my head. I've spent time in Gaines County as well, but only as a visitor (we were in the same district with Seminole, and I don't miss those long bus rides home after getting whipped in football). That migration didn't really pick up speed until after my time, but I recall the beginnings of it and the grumbling of the locals.
  8. This has likely already been covered and I missed it, but based on the epicenter being in Gaines County this is clearly an issue with the Russian Mennonites who moved in there a few decades ago. Not that there aren't plenty of run-of-the-mill yoga-loving new-agers and ivermectin-guzzling dumbasses who are on the anti-vax train, but this outbreak seems to be more of a cultural/immigration issue. Here's hoping they all don't join forces, although that may be a win if the modern anti-vax crowd chooses to isolate themselves in places like Seminole.
  9. People that dumb don't deserve to die just because they're dumb, but one can't ignore the benefits to the gene pool if they do.
  10. Don't go dragging the Northern Irish into this mess. We only sever our hands to win land claims.
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