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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I'm inclined to believe that an insignificant "explosion" with zero damage to anything but the driver and the vehicle itself is part of some mass conspiracy. I mean, we're all living in a post-Vegas-cybertruck-explosion world now, aren't we? One guy didn't pull this off on his own, that's for sure.
  2. If warning labels have taught me anything about cancer risks, it is that no one should ever go to California unless they have a death wish.
  3. They're assholes either way, but nobody needs to eat anything that comes out of that water.
  4. To what end? They're not going to eat that nasty shit, are they?
  5. Okay. The majority of the population only ever deals with divorce attorneys and PI lawyers. I can understand reviling those folks, given the circumstances in which one deals with them, but they make up a small percentage of attorneys. Half the founding fathers were lawyers, for fucks sake. What should scare everyone is how many doctors are making their way into elected office. That keeps me up at night. School teachers? lol
  6. Clearly, we need more men on the street, i.e. businessmen, running things. You know, the guys who never listen to the lawyers but then blame them when things go to shit, most often in the exact manner the lawyers warned them about in the first place. Those guys have common sense and get things done.
  7. Nah, man, a bonafide American hero says something fishy is happening. Who do you think you are to question him?
  8. I chaperoned a middle school trip to Disneyland earlier this fall. I was responsible for a group of 10 boys for three days at the parks. When multiple Disney employees ask you if you're doing okay, or shake their head with pity, or mention how they've never seen that many kids with just one adult, you know you're probably doing something that shouldn't be done as they see it all. I was scared to death going in that it would be a nightmare. To the contrary, I was blown away by how kind and supportive these kids were. For all the talk about how kids are being raised soft and with no work ethic, etc. they're also being raised to treat each other with respect and kindness and are much more fully functional and high quality human beings than any middle school kid, myself included, that I can recall from the past. I truly came away from that trip with more hope for the future than I've ever had.
  9. Posting Canadians doing nice things seems almost like cheating.
  10. lol. I was just setting the scene for the reveal at the end. It was definitely his fault both times. He's long passed, so he won't mind me saying so.
  11. My grandfather had two train accidents in his life while living in a small town with fast trains and zero signals, signs, alerts, etc. Both times, it happened at night, and the intersection had no lighting outside of whatever moonlight might be shining. The first time, the train hit him as he crossed right in front of it. The second time, he hit the train because he didn't see it. Both times, he was drunk.
  12. I hope he learns to accept himself and finds a nice fella who makes him happy and settles down into a life of mixing complicated cocktails, laughing at breeders while vacationing extensively, and publishing thoughtful treatises in an attempt to reverse all the damage he's done to young impressionable kids . . . and then dies a painful death.
  13. It's a thing now because every shitty-driving soccer mom drives an SUV too big for her to handle (because she's not used to handling big things because she's married to a dipshit with a giant pickup too big for him to handle) and modern SUVs now come with 360-degree backup cameras and these shit drivers feel more comfortable backing in because of those cameras. If you watch them, they're not looking around them at all but only down at the screen in front of them. The reality is that backing in has always been the safest option for larger vehicles and is how you should do it. People who actually know how to drive larger trucks can execute this maneuver with no problem, and in fact find it much easier than pulling in forwards. In the old days you could usually spot an urban cowboy dipshit because he didn't back his truck into a spot. The problem now is too many dumbasses drive vehicles much too large for them to handle, but the technology on these beasts has given them the confidence to do things they're not capable of doing well, such as backing into a spot. I think there should be more driving license classifications than A, B, C, and M. If we make people take extensive classes and pass tests to get a motorcycle endorsement, we should be doing the same thing for SUVs or pickups that weigh over 3500 lbs. The vast majority of people driving them have no clue what the fuck they're doing and are a menace on the roads and in the parking lots. A slightly more rigorous licensing process would have 80%+ of the women in giant SUVs and the city dudes in F150s and GMC Sierras driving hatchbacks and sedans again.
  14. My folks came down to visit and celebrate an early Christmas together, so the old man naturally had that Fox News bullshit on the tv the entire time. The amount of brain rot he is dealing with thanks to watching that crap is incredible, and I can't believe how many old folks sit around with that stuff on the tv at full volume for hours per day. It's just as bad for them as social media brain rot is for the kids, and it's sad to see the old and the young so susceptible to the same type of manipulation. I live with a small amount of fear of getting old and sucked into that shit. My dad would have never watched that crap until he got too old to recognize it for what it is, and now they have their hooks in him. Anyway, about 75% of the FOX coverage was about these stupid fucks mistaking airplanes and drones for aliens, or government spies, or whatever stupid notion will get the simpletons worked up. Are other news outlets fanning the flames of this nonsense too, or is mostly FOX manipulating their older and addlebrained viewership? I don't watch cable news of any kind, so I'm curious if this is something that is being driven by all outlets because it's easy ratings.
  15. So much fat in that video. What have those people done to themselves? How does that happen? Some kind of airborne glandular disorder?
  16. High school valedictorian at a prestigious prep school. Ivy League bachelors and masters. Ends up a Data Engineer and a cog in the tech-bro, no-value-added machine. It's not difficult to see how a screw or two became loose.
  17. It's difficult to get too worked up about a warning coming from a state that puts a warning label on 99% of consumer products that they will give you cancer. Someone should study how much the anxiety being created by all of the fear mongering is impacting the health of the citizens there. There should be warning labels for their warning labels. "WARNING: READING THIS LABEL MAY INCREASE ANXIETY LEVELS. ANXIETY IS KNOWN TO CAUSE HEART ATTACKS, STROKE, AND EVEN WORSE MEDICAL CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT AT LIBERTY TO PUT ON A LABEL."
  18. I guess I missed our large Italian population here. Why is it nearly impossible to find good Italian food in these parts?
  19. There are a bunch of them. Google still works last I checked. More privates will come online soon as vouchers now appear imminent after some reluctant Republicans were run out of office. But there are already tons of them. I don't know where you were looking but you weren't trying very hard.
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