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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I'm fairly sure my wife and kids are real, but I can't wholly discount the possibility of some sort of dissociative fugue state.
  2. Just getting caught up on this thread. For context, I'm married to a Canadian, have lived in Canada, have half-Canadian children, never miss a single Maple Leafs game all season long lest I run afoul of my wife (but also really enjoy it in spite of myself), and hang out with a number of Canadian celebrities regularly thanks to my work and marrying into a well known Canadian family (it's a bit like rubbing elbows with a mattress salesman who is known locally in the metroplex for their commercials on the CW, if that mattress salesman also had some Emmys and Grammys to go along with their Geminis and JUNOs). Holy shit, man. Everyone, at one point or another, talks out of their ass about topics they don't know much about. I know I do. But you, sir, are the Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Derek Jeter, AROD, and Thurman Munson (combined) of Dunning-Krugering. Congratulations.
  3. My Canadian FIL complains about this just about every time we talk, ane yet he thinks it's weird that anyone cares about college football or basketball in the U.S.
  4. They make for an excellent source of graft if set up properly, i.e. without what most would consider appropriate transparency.
  5. They sure bury the lede in that segment, don't they?
  6. Solid advice. Thank you, and I'll report back in October after the next trip.
  7. Those of you mentioning how quickly you can get in and out of a Buc-ees, I wonder if it depends on which one you're at. I refuse to stop* at the fucking place for several reasons, but the main one is that I always have to wait in line for a gas pump, then wait in line to take a piss, then wait in line to buy the kids some shitty processed snack food. It takes for-fucking-ever. That defeats the entire point of a highway pit stop. I also find it to be the most depressing place I've ever been outside of touring concentration camps. Loving Buc-ee's is no different than loving Wal-Mart, and you don't see many folks stanning for that shithole. The customer bases look eerily similar, though. The more pumps/bathrooms/square footage one of those hellholes has, the longer it takes to get in and out. It almost makes me believe the bullshit studies that show if you build more roads you just make traffic worse. Almost. * I actually do stop at a Buc-ee's once per year on an annual fishing trip, as I get outvoted by my idiot friends. One is an aggie, and he has infected the other two with stupid. Every damn year we're stuck in that god-forsaken hell hole for twice as long or more than it would take to stop at literally any other gas station to fill up and take a piss. They know I hate it and take much glee from my curmedgeonly attitude while I stand outside and wait on them to fill up on shitty aggie snacks and cheap trinkets for their kids. I never miss smoking more than those days.
  8. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have a sister who fits the same mold and has ruined my parents' lives. I managed to get away from it and know exactly what you mean about the fog lifting, but they're stuck until the end, it seems. It's ugly and painful. I think what others have been pointing out is that it's been obvious that you went through something like that based on your response to this story, and based on some of the other posts in this thread, I don't think you're alone. Relying on anything released by PR firms or attorneys is never a way to find the truth of any situation. Any of that nonsense is designed to manipulate, including and especially the court filings. No objective truth exists in these situations, not even for the two main players involved, at least no truth that can possibly be determined. If it upsets you, as it seems to have done, I recommend you walk away and avoid any press about this until it blows over. It's not worth dredging up your own shit over what a couple of inconsequential people you don't know are feuding over.
  9. The people upstream must get at least a little chuckle watching the hoity toits downtown have to deal with even a little bit of a drop in the water level. Do Lake Austin next!
  10. So sorry, Brisket. Thank you for sharing with us about your dad. He sounds like an awesome man.
  11. Reynolds is Canadian. Someone wants to subsume Canada. It's not difficult to connect these dots.
  12. I'm reasonably sure it has surpassed baseball as the national pastime.
  13. I too have family, friends, and employees who lost their homes or have been displaced during this mess. It's a tragedy. To be clear, I wasn't arguing for lower density, just pointing out that the only thing that can potentially contain a wildfire like that is fire breaks, and when housing is piled up that becomes nearly impossible unless they're built into development plans.
  14. I don't think those upgrades would have made one lick of difference to the big picture, as you could have had one hundred times the volume of available water, and it wouldn't have meant jack shit in fires like that (although perhaps a few more houses may have been saved). If anything, the only thing that would have helped was lower housing density with planned fire breaks. I'm confident, though, that the LAT wouldn't miss an opportunity to dunk on everyone's favorite boogieman (NIMBYs).
  15. Thanks. That's sounds about like what I thought.
  16. That letter reads like it was written by someone who failed hard at parenting multiple children. And, oh yeah, a fucking communist.
  17. Does crypto really count towards net worth, or is it just the modern equivalent of inflating the value of real estate so you can borrow more money? How fungible is Bitcoin, really? I'm genuinely asking as I know absolutely nothing about it and have operated under the assumption it's just part of the Web 3.0 scam that those grifting tech assholes have been running for a few years, along with NFTs and most of the current AI bullshit.
  18. Since no one else did, I'll point out that your thick-headed comments about Musk overshadowed your even more ignorant implications regarding autistic people. My kid has high-functioning autism and a higher IQ than probably everyone on this board (including me, but especially you), and guess what? He's only 12 yet he knows what a nazi salute is and understands the implications of making such a gesture, particularly in that setting. Musk may well be on the spectrum, and people on the spectrum often say and do things that make folks with bland neurological makeup uncomfortable, but Musk knew exactly what he was doing when he threw that arm out there. Having autism doesn't make you stupid. More often than not it's the opposite. It's a major reason I know you're not autistic. Get fucked.
  19. Checking in to find out if we collectively decided whether or not Hawaii even has senators.
  20. I think you may be falling for the oldest robot trick in the book.
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