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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/10-colleges-with-the-highest-std-rates-in-america-579700/?singlepage=1 10 Colleges With The Highest STD Rates in America No Red Raiders to be found, but a certain Christian school in Texas with the initials TCU has found itself surprisingly at the top yet again, just not in football. Congrats, horny toads!
  2. I agree. I was employing a rhetorical technique, perhaps poorly. You left out the rest of my post, which made it clear I don't think that behavior is acceptable.
  3. Yes, of course during the day, but there has been an increase of crime at night in that area. "Trending that direction," not "already a shit show."
  4. Love all the bending over backwards to justify theft over the last couple of pages. I wouldn't have said anything about the $100 mistake either, but that's because I'm a flawed individual, and I don't really give a shit. Pretending like you're not a thief when you're blatantly a thief is ridiculous. Just own it. The extremely weak attempts at justifying the behavior (mostly not from the poster who committed the act) are ridiculous but entertaining to read. The enshittening isn't just happening to corporations and their products/services. It's happening to all of us. But one thing has remained constant through the history of mankind: we'll come up with any half-assed justification to get one over on others, whether it's the tribe in the next valley or the "evil" corporation down at the shopping center. It all boils down to some version of, "They do something that I consider bad, and therefore it doesn't matter if I treat them poorly." It's the same weird instinct that makes people more likely to break into vehicles that have messy interiors or to litter on a street that already has graffiti sprayed on the buildings. We justify our own bad actions by the bad actions of others. It's ethically bankrupt but hardwired into our subconscious. Torchy's is bad tourist food.
  5. One factor is that the panhandle simply has a much longer love affair with basketball than the rest of the state. Football is still first like the rest of Texas, but basketball has been serious business for a long time up there. I'm not talking Tech/Texas but rather what the average sports fan is interested in, starting from kids on up to the olds, and what sport is played more often by the kids. I think it's weather related. Real winters = basketball. As for showing up for road games in Austin lately, they were doing it decades ago as well. They quieted down for a stretch due to sucking so badly after Knight left and his kid took over, but they've been one of the better-traveling fanbases for basketball in Texas for a long time. These days, there are also a lot more Tech alum in Austin than there used to be, and they will show up for an easy local game. Historically they were mostly in DFW, with a decent chunk in Houston. They do in fact show up in Norman and Stillwater, as well as Waco (even moreso than in Austin at times). I agree I haven't noticed them in mass at either Kansas school, but they are both a longer drive. They'll be out in force for Houston games now, no doubt. As for the near constant apathy regarding Texas basketball over the years, idfk. We're a football school/fanbase. I guess it's as simple as that.
  6. The craziest part to me is how many fans here want him back when you couldn't find a single Tech fan that would want him back under any conditions. We're rationalizing domestic violence and national embarrassment of the university when they won't even forgive him for simply leaving under cover of night for a rival. When your standards fall that far below the average tech fan, maybe step back and consider your life choices.
  7. The timeline on this one is one is weird. The Steffe son doesn't get any playing time and is told in no uncertain terms that he will redshirt and the program will help him find a transfer landing spot if he wants. The Bahamas tourney happens, and whatever goes down between Isaacs and his Steffe's sister happens, with the parents and the brother of this girl directly on site and involved in the partying. Both parties are of legal age so as long as it was consensual there is nothing to see here. Fast forward around six weeks, and Isaacs is bragging about whatever happened with the sister (likely giving the brother shit because he's a spoiled little bitch and asked for it, but still shitty behavior on Isaacs' part). Daddy gets pissed about all of it and wants his son to leave the program altogether, but attempts to shake down the program for $250k on the way out the door, and they tell him to get bent. Magically, a civil suit is conveniently filed by Dad one day before conference play begins, with no allegations coming directly from the young lady at all. The suit doesn't use the word rape a single time, and it absolutely would if that is what was being alleged. The suit's language is vague and contradicts itself, but this is likely because it is Daddy filing it, not the young lady. He's angry, or crazy, and doesn't have his story straight even to a point his attorney can draft something that makes sense. While all of this is going down, Dad is posting creepy social media pics and comments with and about his daughter, crossing even Trump/Ivanka levels of daddy/daughter creepy. Who the fuck knows? If the daughter comes forward and accuses the guy of something, I'd be inclined to believe her. Until that happens, this all smells like a douchebag (and severely creepy) father pissed off that his son had no playing time and that his princess hooked up with a college kid. Sleeping with your teammate's sister is a shitty thing to do under any circumstances, even if said teammate is a douche and no one likes him. It still all adds up to sour grapes from a Baker Mayfield type of family looking for a payday. We're supposed to believe thing guy's story even though he waited months to do something about his daughter being assaulted, and never involved any authorities. What father would handle it this way if something really happened? The student section did what they should do, though, and gave Isaacs hell all game, but it didn't seem to bother him based on his performance. Some of the chants of "pedophile" were over the top, IMO, but I know most folks are just reading headlines and don't know any details. Ultimately, this will come down to whether or not Tech's Title IX office functions like it should or has taken on a Baylor style of coverup. They've been draconian in the past when players have been accused, and thus far, they say their investigation has not found anything on this player. Unless we see evidence that this office is acting like Baylor's coverup shop, and there is zero indication this is the case, I'll tend to believe them given the current information.
  8. I hear you. There are a million different ways to be thoughtless, and we're all guilty of some of them at one point or another. You would hope the last few years would have at least brought this particular type of thoughtlessness to the attention of everyone, but it instead caused some folks to double down. I'll never understand it.
  9. Read the police reports. It's not anything like downtown, but trending that way. If they clean up downtown (I don't believe for a second this will ever actually happen) then I could see things moving up to the Domain. It's the natural life cycle of any bar/club district. Violent crime is on the uptick at the Domain, especially late at night.
  10. It's broader than "just stay home." My parents wanted to host Christmas this year, and we packed up the kids and went. My mother failed to tell us she was battling a nasty viral infection because she didn't want to miss out on a family Christmas. Guess who's been stuck at home battling this virus for the last ten days or so? Everyone in my family. Her defense? "I took two Covid tests and they were both negative!" She's old, and I'm trying not to be angry with her, but I am. And I'm hearing this "well it's not Covid" crap a lot lately, and I think it's the new version of the old "I'm not testing at all" idiocy. I'm glad you tested and it's negative, but if you're sick, you're sick. Stay the fuck away from me and everyone else.
  11. Thanks, I missed that somehow. His comment makes perfect sense, then.
  12. So you're the asshole who shows up to work and social gatherings when sick.
  13. The Domain has been trending that direction since the Rock Rose development got rolling.
  14. I didn't make it too far, although I enjoyed seeing the footage. The humor of a douchebag from out of state shining a spotlight on how other douchebags from out of state have ruined our city wasn't lost on me, but it was ultimately too annoying to follow through till the end.
  15. Based on some of the morons we elect to the bench in this state, it's cold comfort that some of them are carrying in court.
  16. Looked like a neonazi convention in that tiny lobby. Fucking pigs.
  17. Has no one told him to move his fucking car? What's white privilege for if you don't use it? Some honky needs to step up.
  18. And to drive the point home, this is also the law in the U.S. Virgin Islands. They weren't flying somewhere to avoid it.
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