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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm shocked that anyone would actually listen to someone this clearly stupid. How is this a "movement"? Is it really just a small handful of morons and we're blowing it out of proportion, or is the whole incel thing something to actually worry about? Racism, neonazis, etc. I understand being worried about as some of that crap is baked in to pockets of our country for centuries now (and more than just pockets in the case of racism), but incels? How is that a significant number of people? The overlap in this guys' case is definitely concerning. Sorry, that shit is a bit off topic. Fuck Elon and given a platform to someone like this to get his message out to his tens of followers. Back on track.
  2. Damn. Wish I could make it down.
  3. A white supremacist named Fuentes is about as on the nose as you can get if you're looking for a self-loathing piece of shit with daddy issues.
  4. Does 1password play nice for Apple users?
  5. I completely agree with your take on the trucks. In inner cities, Austin in particular it seems, the spots (and even most lanes - need room for those striped off areas for bikes that no one is ever, ever, ever, riding a bike in) are way too small for trucks that size. I rented a Yukon for week and hated every second of it driving around in Austin. I can't imagine an F-250. Out in the burbs I assume it's much more manageable, and that's ultimately what this discussion comes down to, which is the same thing most hot debates come down to. Life in the suburbs/rural areas is completely different than life in the city, but most people, no matter what area they live in, are so god damned certain that their opinon is the only way things should work when in reality it's just what is best for where they're at. We don't need the same rules in the city as the suburbs. But we're all in our little bubbles and think everyone else is crazy. I don't agree with you regarding small cars, however. It seems like the absolutely shittiest parking I see comes from people in the tiniest cars possible, and they're often way over the lines and disrupting parking for others. If you can't park a Prius, you shouldn't be allowed to drive anything. If you can't park an F-250, you should be forced to drive smaller and smaller vehicles until you find one you can handle.
  6. FWIW, extended family passed it around at Christmas, and every single one of them tested negative on home tests but positive with a PCR test at the doc. None of them, other than the one-year-old, had a mild experience with it either.
  7. Two things surprise me from that list: 1. New Zealand being so high. 2. Italy being so low.
  8. Had some bloodwork done last week for non-Covid reason, but they tested for antibodies anyway (maybe CPL is doing this for everyone who comes in?). Anyway, still have a decently high antibody count from the vaccine (1925 - last booster was in September) and absolutely no natural antibodies. I don't know how I've dodged the fucker for this long, but the clock has to be ticking down.
  9. Government couldn't operate a toy train, because of course they can't, so they passed it over to a nonprofit that, wait for it, also can't operate a toy train. The good news is this same clown show will be bringing grown up sized trains to nowhere near you for just a few billion more dollars. Be sure and vote yes at the next bond election!
  10. I'd buy this line of thinking if the typical small vehicle owner could/would park between the lines . . . but they don't. Shitty parkers drive all size and shape of vehicle, unfortunately.
  11. I'm with you there. Still seeking a solution that makes sense.
  12. Did you hear that, Dad‽‽‽?‽‽‽?‽‽‽ Video games rule, man!
  13. No obsession here, it was a spinoff from the discussion of where urban giant pickup culture comes from. My supposition was that it stems from the same mindset that causes urban computer jockeys to wear cowboy boots. I couldn't care less what people wear on their feet, but find it interesting to think about how we got where we are culturally. There is no doubt a correlation, at least, between urban boot wearers and urban pickup drivers. Everyone should do whatever the fuck they want. I own boots and drive a truck, so this isn't intended as mud slinging.
  14. Until a single database gets hacked and then you have to change every password manually. I don't think there's really a way to avoid data getting stolen, but this method definitely will create the biggest headache once a problem arises.
  15. I didn't intend to claim they're at the heart of boot wearing culture. They're at the heart of unnecessary boot wearing culture. Big difference. They also pioneered unnecessary boat shoe wearing culture, but that was after my time.
  16. Perhaps. The fake cowboy culture certainly transcends frats, even if they're at the very heart of it. Every asshole city slicker in Texas has a pair of boots.
  17. I'm a little surprised Colorado hasn't been mentioned yet, as they're the fuckers that use up the vast majority of water that would otherwise flow south. The headwaters are there, not New Mexico. Thanks to antiquated water rights laws, they get away with using way more water than needed. Those fuckers pump water uphill to grow crops on mesas. New Mexico has a negligible impact by comparison.
  18. Let's be honest, it happened when frat boys decided that trucks were the thing to drive about thirty years ago. Take a bunch of suburban kids who've never done a day of hard work in their life, couple it with the innate self-entitled personality rampant in that group of people, and then throw them into a truck that daddy paid for and turn them loose. This is the demographic that has driven trucks to larger and larger sizes as they've aged, the demographic who popularized putting lifts on mall crawlers, and the demographic at the heart of this debate. This is why trucks are everywhere when they don't need to be. It's the same jackasses who own overpriced cowboy boots for date night but wouldn't know what to do if they got within ten feet of a horse. The same guys who buy their wives suburbans to drive their two kids around in. With all due respect to those decent frat guys out there (I'd like to think I'm one of them), it's our brethren that caused all of this by cosplaying cowboy. As someone who grew up ranching and farming and dreamed of a higher education and a different life, it blew my mind how many of those spoiled guys liked to dress up and pretend like they came from my world. It made zero sense. I don't have a problem with any of this, even though I don't understand it, fwiw. More power to them. But that's how we got where we are in regard to pickups. Grown men's obsession with that soap opera "Yellowstone" will only make things worse I'm afraid.
  19. I don't have a problem with anyone driving a pickup that wants to, whether their reasons make sense to me or not. If you have a bug up your ass about what other people drive, you're a dick and should spend time reflecting on where you went wrong with your life. However, I do think modern pickups are ridiculous due to the bloated size and goofy appearance. My last full size truck was a 2013 crew cab, and it is completely dwarfed by the ugly ass giants rolling around now. I don't understand the mindset driving the design shifts, but it's clearly what people want and more power to them. They lost me as a customer, however. I still drive a mid size truck (which is similar in size to what full size trucks were 10+ years ago. Regarding safety issues, I completely agree that the sight lines are atrocious. The bigger issue is too many dumbasses who can't drive a truck are rolling around in them now. Same with soccer moms in Suburbans. They're a fucking menace, but they should drive whatever the hell they want to. I'm more interested in the psychology behind wanting the biggest vehicle on the road than I am interested in shaming them for their choice. EV drivers are just as delusional and silly as giant truck drivers, they just have a different underlying psychosis. If the argument is that practicality should drive these decisions, both groups are off the rails.
  20. Fitlump being a waste of space doesn't give Adler a pass.
  21. Is Steve Adler consulting with the state now?
  22. What we're learning is that Sonny is either a sorry excuse for a human being or a really dumb guy. It's a toss up. Could also be both.
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