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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. It's fascinating, and some of the reporting on it is as ridiculous as the hire itself. Briles isn't getting blasted because of his last name. He's getting blasted because he was directly involved in recruiting and enabling rapists to get away with their crimes in Waco. Is the pushback louder because of his name than it was with Kazadi? Sure. Casual fans don't know the names of strength and conditioning coaches. Reporting as if the only reason don't like the hire is because of his dad is either lazy or more likely completely disingenuous. Congrats, TCU, you're now the most shameful football program in America (or at least every one knows it now - those paying attention watched you target and take out starting QB after starting QB all season), directly on the heels of a magical season where you played in but lost both the conference and national championship. The only trophy in the cabinet for this year should be an empty cup symbolizing the complete lack of both championships and ethics at your school and athletic department. I still can't get over Sonny Dykes being the guy in charge of this. I thought better of him and was completely wrong.
  2. I suspect whether or not the game ends up on the Longhorn Network also plays a part in this. If the game is on that dead carcass of a network, recruiting exposure and/or national branding exposure doesn't exist anymore. May as well be streaming on Crackle.
  3. Mac Engel is the smarmiest and least credible sports reporter in the business, and holy hell is that saying something. He epitomizes the "anything for clicks" state of the media, and sports reporting in general. He'll write absolutely anything to carry TCU's water and/or get people to click on his story, no matter how incorrect, ridiculous, or just completely stupid it is, including writing false crap that actively harms others. Stanning for Briles might just be his biggest douche move yet, but it's definitely in character for that worthless piece of shit. EDIT TO ADD: The FWST is no better, as they employ and encourage this colostomy bag of opinions along with others just like him. It's been nothing more than a grocery store gossip rag for a long time.
  4. Ole Miss might be a step down for Sanders.
  5. Twitter account didn't watch Tech play last season, clearly. Weird shit.
  6. I think the algorithm assumed you wanted dad trash tv based on your shopping and web browsing profile and pushed it forward for you. Plenty of great content on there that doesn't fit that profile. I still don't think cancelling was a bad idea, though.
  7. We need to sanctify Nick Offerman and get him in front of as many young men as possible. Not Ron Swanson, but Nick Offerman. That dude gets it.
  8. I know even less about Pederson than this Tate guy (thanks to this thread), but isn't the Canadian a philosophy professor or something like that? How is he connected to incels and this mouth breathing idiot? I assumed he was just a typical academic talking nonsense over people's heads so he could smell his own farts better.
  9. Lots of Briles' most ardent supporters live there and have been active in trying to get him and his former assistants jobs since they left Waco. Horseshoe Bay has all kinds, like anywhere else, but it has a significant cabal of rich Baptists who love them some Briles.
  10. Glad to hear that TCU fans have come out against the hire in enough numbers to potentially stop the hire. For what is essentially a girls school, hiring anyone associated with a rape scandal is mind boggling.
  11. I hear you, and yes publicly they have made those moves. The Briles camp, however, is 100% entrenched with Southern Baptists, and that is who has pushed for their careers to carry on after the fallout. No doubt religion connections played a significant role behind the scenes in getting Dykes/Kazadi, and now Briles. The Horseshoe Bay asswipes have been working overtime for years now to make it all happen.
  12. I think every school has that group among their fanbase. There were people here who wanted to bring Briles to Austin after the fiasco in Waco. I know a lot of Tech fans wanted to bring him back home during their ten years in the desert and were quite vocal about it. Fortunately, administration at both schools were smart enough to ignore those voices. However, I don't recall seeing or hearing a single TCU fan or alum say a word about Kazadi being brought over from SMU with Dykes. Most of the TCU alum I know are women, and when I asked them how they felt about a rape enabler and alleged (snort) steroid slinger on staff, who contributed significantly to their magical season, they mostly just stared at me like I was crazy. I suspect that's because a large portion of the fanbase just doesn't pay much attention other than on game day, but it was every bit as eyebrow raising and Briles Jr. As for the stands being full, well, the jokes kind of writes themselves there. If the TCU athletic department continues to pull ticket shenanigans like they did with Tech this season (and like UT has done with Tech in basketball for that matter), there may never be full stands again. Aren't enough frogs in existence who care about football enough to fill that stadium. Between the ticket nonsense and the hires that have gone on in the last year, it's hard to believe Donati has an ethical bone in his body. While I'm neither surprised or even disappointed that the school has made these moves, I am sad to see Sonny Dykes stoop so low. I had a great deal of respect for his dad, and it carried over to him by proxy I suppose. That was a mistake. I'm very much with you, though. If any member of Briles camp shows up on the sidelines at a school I've graduated from, I'd be out too.
  13. I don't care if they're religious or not, shouldn't have included that. Much like Baylor, they can get away with a lot of bullshit due to a small alumni base that largely doesn't pay attention to the athletic department beyond watching on game day. There's no microscope on them like UT, A&M, or Tech.
  14. First Dykes hires Kaz Kazadi (Art's juice man who was called by a mother telling him her daughter was raped and did... nothing). Now he hires Fingertapes McRapeface. Fuck Dykes, fuck TCU, and fuck anyone who has anything to do with them. No one on that Baylor staff should have been allowed anywhere near a school again for the rest of their lives. That another private religious school is clearly making the choice to look the other way in order to win is shameful. Fortunately, FT McRapeface sucks as a coach, so getting in bed with the devil likely won't result in much. The increased strength and speed they got in just a single season with the Kaz hire is very real, however.
  15. KK will stay in the NFL. He can't/won't recruit, and college makes no sense for him. He'll have a duty to mitigate, unless it was waived (it wasn't) that will have him at least interviewing for OC NFL gigs soon enough.
  16. I agree with this, but don't think there's a whole hell of a lot we can do about it. They're going to crater, and we can't force western companies to continue manufacturing there to prop them up. It will ultimately be up to them to save themselves, and a communist government is damn near incapable of such a thing. When you stifle competition, and therefore innovation, you're left with a bunch of ass licking bureaucrats to come up with new ways to spark economic growth. Good luck with that. In the end, the U.S. will likely just prop them up financially to avoid the fallout, and American taxpayers are not going to like it one bit. That's when Trump Jr. seizes his opportunity and we get to relive the 2010's all over again. Letting China fall apart doesn't sound so bad when you think about it.
  17. I'm having a really difficult time believing traffic is worse in Dallas and Houston than it is in Austin. Driving regularly in all three for decades I'm calling bullshit. I'm in LA all the time, and lived in Chicago for a number of years. Those two I can buy. Haven't driven enough in the NE to have a worthwhile opinion, but my limited experiences driving in NYC and Boston still leave me thinking Austin is worse. I suppose if it's based entirely on commuter data maybe it makes sense, but that doesn't really speak to the totality of shitty traffic. Commuting sucks and anyone who does for any reason other than not having a choice is insane. When it takes for fucking ever just to go grab a bit to eat or run an errand in your general area, then you know you have truly shitty traffic. Flawed list is flawed.
  18. What they're not telling you is that she's pregnant.
  19. That's some of the saddest shit I've ever read, and not the parts about how pathetic Elon is, which is now well established. That posting on social media has become something discussed as if it's an art form or special skill may be the most depressing thing I've run across lately. How does someone who has dedicated their career to such a thing look themselves in the mirror? There are plenty of inane jobs out there, but holy shit. If you asked me this morning what the most pointless job on earth is I would have said real estate agent. But now...
  20. Sometimes we get the government morons elect.
  21. And that's fair. As already noted in the thread, most local politicians don't have to give a shit about anything in this town as their positions are completely secure. Single party systems are a joke and rife with corruption, and sadly that's the state of most cities. With the disappearance of local journalism, city councils are running amok all over the place.
  22. Masters in what? Plenty of highly educated people can't string together two complete sentences. Almost every engineer who ever lived comes to mind, not to mention most MBA recipients. It's more surprising that he didn't have a ghost writer take care of it like every other celebrity book out there.
  23. I'm always amazed by arrogant real estate agents. There are very few careers that require less intelligence, skill, and training than being a real estate agent. It's what one does when all other options have ceased to exist. The bar could not be any lower. It's nothing to be ashamed of (well maybe a little), but to act arrogant for having literally the easiest job on the planet is something else.
  24. Two terms of four years each. ADIT TO ADD: But it doesn't make any difference when the child voters in Austin continue to elect the exact same type of worthless bag of meat over and over again. A small handful of decent folks have served on the council over the decades, but never enough to overcome the smooth talkers who are only there to cut real estate deals or use it as a springboard to better political gigs.
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