It's the exact same impetus, just carried farther. Any adult who gets upset enough to yell and scream at a youth sporting event is a douchebag at best, and is most likely in need of intense therapy. It's a continuum, and Talib is on the extreme end of it. Don't kid yourself though, if you're one of the jackasses yelling at refs, kids, your own kid, or other parents at a youth sporting event, then you have a lot more in common with Talib than with the sane parents cheering for their kid and just hoping they have a good time and learn a thing or two that can translate to real life. Having umped, refereed, coached, and sat in the stands as a parent at thousands of these events I completely agree that more parents than not act poorly. It's not because they're emotional about their kid (what a load of crap that is - if they cared about their kid at all they wouldn't act that way), it's because more parents than not are complete pieces of shit. Trying to justify their behavior with the "at least they didn't shoot somebody" defense is ridiculous.