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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I'm fully onboard with the notion that ERCOT has its hands tied and the state lege, along with private interests who set up this system, are at fault for creating what is at best a tenuous power supply. Locally in Austin, however, the city seems to get a complete pass for their actions during and after Uri. It wasn't the grid that caused the problems here. It was the absolute fucking moron government employees who run our power and water supply. While we all bash the shortcomings of the free market system throughout TX, let's not forget about the "nationalized" system in Austin for electricity and water, which is even worse than what the rest of the state is dealing with. None of this shit is working like it should, and like with most things the solution likely falls somewhere in the middle.
  2. The same psychology that drives idiot parents to yell, spit, punch, swear, etc. etc. etc. at youth sports everywhere. It transcends economic class, race, education level, you name it. The psychology is simple: a lot of people are terrible fucking morons who only take up space and contribute nothing of substance to the world. And these people are likely to procreate and force their children into sports whether they want to be there or not. If you want to absolutely hate humanity, go ump little league games for a season or two. I couldn't have been happier when my son decided he was done with baseball so we could get the hell away from those people. Any adult who actually cares about the outcome of a youth sporting event to the point they have a visceral emotional reaction, whether it's a tee-ball game or a high school football game, should either seek professional help or do the rest of us a favor and disappear from society. Yelling at a youth sporting event is like holding up a flashing neon sign that says, "I'm an emotional toddler trapped in a grown up body and present a very real threat to those around me. It all stems from the fact my dad never really loved me and didn't care that I knew it. Also - my own kids hate my guts but I'm too stupid to see it." (EDIT TO ADD: It's a big sign.)
  3. The Beach family, in spite of their terrible loss, seem like assholes.
  4. I don't know Pancho, and anyone can be suckered by internet click bait. But I think you may be giving professor's more credit than they deserve. There aren't many professions that involve more heads up asses and/or completely myopic existences.
  5. WTF is tik tok cop talking about that the guy was getting up on him? Lots of cops need an ass-whipping, but holy shit that guy is a ticking time bomb.
  6. Houston showing up on these polls is puzzling. I know they win games in their dinky conference, but the only teams with a pulse they played in the regular season last year were TTU and Cincinnati and they got smoked.
  7. Lots of shitheads in that video, but if I have to choose - team car.
  8. After reading this thread it seems clear that this is not really a message board for Longhorn fans, crass retorts, and offensive/titillating photos. This is a thinly disguised therapy group for people with terrible families. I don't have time for details so I'll bullet point a couple of highlights: * scumbag uncle ran porn theaters in west texas in the 70s. Was murdered and left in a cotton field in '77. * one DFW area cousin (son of aforementioned uncle) in prison for most of adult life for drugs, theft, armed robbery, etc. * other cousin from same uncle is schizophrenic, among other issues including opioid addiction, most likely triggered by exposure to chemical weapons in first gulf war * Sister has borderline personality disorder along with a laundry list of other issues. Would rather spend a holiday with my convict cousin. * Another great uncle conned a bunch of people and left them in the lurch with his tractor dealership decades ago. Think Bart Reagor but smarter. Bled his mother (my great grandmother) dry of the wealth her husband (his father) left her, leaving the rest of us to care for her financially and otherwise in her waning years. He's old and somehow still alive and selling insurance (naturally). * Another cousin's wife got busted fucking a student at the school she worked at. He's still with her. That's just my mom's side of the family. Somehow, my folks turned out great so I lucked out there.
  9. True, but let's not forget the ACLU litigation that played a huge part in this as well. Difficult to justify funding for facilities with no patients thanks to an inability to commit anyone. Those facilities were nightmare factories to boot. There is obviously a middle ground that involves publicly funded safe spaces for mentally ill people to receive treatment, as well as mechanism that allows for the nonconsensual committal of folks based on well-vetted factors. Do you have any faith we live in a nation where political leaders are capable of finding a middle ground solution to anything? I don't.
  10. I'm not 100% up to date on the current scoring system, but I think your outrage at police is at least partially negated by the use of the "R" word. I turn to younger, more informed posters for a final verdict. For now, at least, you should probably remain in outrage timeout until this gets sorted. Also - fuck that fucking fuck of a cop and the entire department for causing that situation.
  11. FWIW, some folks are as allergic to grass pollen as they are to tree pollen. Summer can be brutal for allergies.
  12. Ultimately, the industry that lines regulators/politicians pockets the most will be the the last one standing. Efficacy, sustainability, affordability? Ha!
  13. Should be an automatic revocation of drivers license.
  14. Still a Covid virgin but headed to Vegas in August. That seems like a sure fire bet for infection based on anecdotal experiences by friends and posters here.
  15. This hits too close to home. My goofy fucking dog started doing this on walks a couple of months ago. Annoying and embarrassing.
  16. With enough hamsters, we could easily power Europe. Get on it, engineering dorks!
  17. That sounds, wrong. Right? NM saw Hate's post after posting this. Thank you.
  18. You're in Austin. Rolling blackouts last 7-10 days here. There's a switch hiding somewhere that can prevent this, and if you can find it the city will name the next bike lane in your honor.
  19. I think most folks don't consider politics at all when shopping for a new vehicle. Tesla owners, however, may be a group who does given the environmental implications. I agree his companies would be better served if he would shut the fuck up, but then what would all the folks on both sides of the circle jerk do for entertainment?
  20. I haven't offered anything of substance in this thread, to be sure, but we can't all just quote tweets and spell Musk's name incorrectly for giggles. Congrats on being clever, I guess. Maybe you'll get called up to the big leagues and join Twitter's legal team after they've read your well crafted posts in this thread.
  21. No parking pic to share, but an observation that is bad parking adjacent. Why can so few people in Austin seem to keep their vehicle in their lane when on a road with even the slightest curve to it? You put your life in the hands of complete idiots every time you drive down a road like 2222. I wish there was a way to make obtaining a drivers license about a thousand times more difficult.
  22. First line of the second paragraph, I suppose. But no, not really. No one else on this thread has written anything of substance either. It's an absurd discussion on its face.
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