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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. Reva character is terrible. Poorly written, poorly directed, and poorly acted. Maybe the actress is doing her best with what she's got, but the character is little more than Snidely Whiplash and it's fucking terrible.
  2. So is this a safe space to say that "Obi-Wan Kenobi" is Xena Warrior Princess level of terribad? I know that saying such a thing will give rise to accusations of racism, sexism, etc, but holy shit Disney has some problems and it has nothing to do with diversity. The villain on the show is some of the worst acting seen outside of "Highlander: The Series". And she can act, as she proved in "The Queen's Gambit". So maybe it's the writing, direction, etc. I believe I read that execs stepped in and stopped production mid-shoot because they thought it was "too dark". What we ended up getting was a hamfisted cartoon. "The Mandalorian" could get away with some of the low rent production value at times given its episodic nature (hell it is basically a modern era Xena or Highlander), but the Kenobi series should have been handled more seriously, in my opinion. Instead they wasted a legacy character. The whole thing feels like every other film or series where executives interfere too much and you end up with something that has no clear vision. Make it fun or make it high quality. They managed to do neither.
  3. Some of these are so bad that either alcohol/drugs/medication or some kind of neurological disorder has to be in play. For example, anyone on the autism spectrum has serious difficulty with spatial relationships and awareness. Many can never drive, and those who do can definitely struggle with things like parking. They also tend to have a really easy time getting lost as it's difficult to navigate via landmarks. If it's just that people are assholes most of these pics must be of fellow posters on this site.
  4. At 14, and even the younger one at 11, the time for parenting has already passed. Ethics are already baked in at that point and parents can do little more than minor course correction and offer guidance when it's sought. If your kids are acting like these two at this age, there just isn't a whole lot a parent can do about it. While I agree with Slorch that the dad here is likely culpable to some degree (we don't know enough to say for sure), his hot take that dad is the only one who can somehow fix a 14 year criminal is laughable and says more about Slorch's lack of ever having to deal with a kid like that than it does the father in the story. Disciplining kids who get slightly off the rails is completely different than dealing with a complete delinquent, and yes sometimes those kids grow up in homes with perfectly good parents. I have a cousin who grew up with all the same opportunities, exposure to religion, ethics, work ethic, etc. as I and my other cousins did. We were all relatively poor but all had solid families and experiences that for all but one of us led to successful and productive adult lives. That one cousin though, has spent almost his entire adult life in prison. He had parents every bit as present and on task as the rest of us. But we all knew he was headed for a bad life from the time he was very young. Because some people are just born broken. Whether that's mental health or something else I don't know, but I know his parents couldn't have changed one bit of the trajectory of his life. He had something wrong with him from birth. We were afraid of him as kids. There was no stopping it other than exactly what has happened - throwing his ass in prison for the last thirty years.
  5. I clicked on this thread assuming it was about the Toronto Maple Leafs. The struggle is real. Congrats on a long and (I hope) happy marriage, Brat!
  6. The coasts need to look up their own ass. Racism isn't isolated to the south. It's easy to live in a bit of a bubble if you're college educated and have been even moderately successful financially. You just don't generally run into people like the twat in the video. But they are fucking everywhere. The most racially segregated cities in America are north of the Mason Dixon line, as they were never forced to integrate after the war. It's really easy to have your head in the sand in those places.
  7. I've been running a completely remote company since 2009. I've long been through all the shit everyone has been learning about over the last couple of years, and was able to find resolutions and workarounds for just about every drawback related to remote employees. The number one action for making it work is no surprise. It's all about who you hire. The skillset required to work from home and actually make a meaningful, or even just positive, contribution is not something that most people have. However, almost every one thinks they are excellent at working from home. Most of these people are delusional. No one likes having a direct report standing over their shoulder, so it's easy to think remote work would be amazing and you would get so much accomplished without the distraction of coworkers and especially a boss in your direct vicinity. Unfortunately, most people are not motivated in this way. Some need the whip cracked, some need the camaraderie of coworkers, and some just need to get away from their family for a few hours each day. It's a small minority of people who are good employees while working from home. The distractions in a modern home are insane, and most can't avoid them. Yes, Millennials and Gen Z are the most overconfident groups when it comes to thinking they'll be solid working remotely because they already live their social lives online. But they're also the group from which I've found some my best remote employees. The young man in the OP, based on the information we were provided, is a layabout and should be sent packing. And any company considering a hybrid or straight WFH situation needs to think long and hard about which employees can handle it and which can't. Most can't, and I think we'll get to a point where we look back and laugh about that time when people actually worked from home. Owners and managers are already learning this shit doesn't work unless you build a company specifically for remote work. Taking an existing set of employees in an existing company and trying to implement it is not going to work out in most cases. TL/DR: Everyone thinks that they're great at working from home. The vast majority of them are wrong.
  8. Garage sales are only worth it if you're poor or insanely miserly. My folks had one every couple of years growing up, because we were poor and it was worth it. My wife and I had some garage sales early in our marriage because we were poor and it was worth it. Now? Fuck that.
  9. Damn, people fucking suck.
  10. Fuck yes voting age should be raised to at least 25, but 25 is too old to start soldiering. Drafting a bunch of fat fucks with fully developed brains is no way to rapidly build a ground force. You need them young and impressionable. In any event, a draft sucks for anyone at any age, but it's also something we're highly unlikely to ever see again. Trying to develop any kind of corollary from draft age is silly at best. Anyway, just checking in to see if you guys made any headway on solving this issue. Looks like it's the same boring old shit all over again, so please carry on.
  11. It's easier with the mirrors. And I'm going to guess that Brisket's experience with people who can't back into a parking spot largely involves city slicker frat boys who drive pickups but have never done a day of manual labor in their life. Those fuckers shouldn't be allowed to purchase a truck, much less back one up.
  12. This seems like a poll that could have included the single question, "Who here is over 40?"
  13. I fucking loved Parsec. Holy shit that brings back memories.
  14. Lol. Who overrates Dallas? The obvious Texas answer is obvious. A city with no culture/identity of its own anymore, drifting in a sea of coastal migrants, all vying to turn it into something a little closer to the shitholes they left behind. Austin is but a memory. Yet I still live here. Furk.
  15. Took my son about 8 days to get over symptoms and he was able to get back to school for the last week of 4th grade. No one else in the house ever got it. We isolated him to his room, but my wife and I still went in there multiple times a day to feed him or provide him with some company.
  16. Gotta love that the cult of sports we maintain ensures that one of the biggest water consuming activities there is (watering athletic fields) will continue even in drought conditions. With the rates we pay for water to those criminals downtown they should be able to truck in more water than we could ever use.
  17. The craziest part is that we act like graduating high school is an achievement worth celebrating anymore. Congratulations! You have surmounted the absolutely lowest imaginable bar possible for achievement! Now get out there and change the world! Don't get me wrong - go have a party and enjoy the end of the drudgery that is high school. But the ceremonies are stupid, especially when they're filled with white trash morons blasting air horns and cheering like their kid just accomplished something amazing rather than the reality - he or she managed to show up to school each day for at least 60% of the time and they're getting a participation certificate for the trouble.
  18. I get where you're coming from, but the "good guys with guns" folks don't give a shit whether their argument is neutralized or not. Internet debates never changed anything. Arguing for the sake of debate can be loads of fun, and I'm all for it generally, but this is an issue that requires action and we fail to do anything over and over. If we could somehow manage to magically fix mental health issues, clean up the police departments and ensure they respond properly to dangerous situations, elect finger wagging soft hearted folks who speak eloquently on the evils of gun violence, raise the age to purchase a gun to 25, pass red flag laws in all 50 states, etc. etc. etc., school shootings and mass shootings will still happen. There is only one way to stop it. But we won't do it. We will, however, bitch and moan about all of the ancillary issues because subconsciously we think maybe something will happen to address those. I suppose from a palliative standpoint that makes some folks feel better. I thinks it's fucking pointless. It's going to take the type of passionate, pigheaded, long-term, potentially insane behavior that has led us to the point of Roe v. Wade being overturned to change gun laws in this country. That's what we need. Steal their playbook. Get it done.
  19. Just like with Sandy Hook and Parkland, too much energy and anger is being spent focused on the actions of law enforcement and security. This plays right into the hands of the NRA. The focus and anger should be laser focused on gun control if anything is ever going to change. Those predisposed to hate cops, even with justification, are understandably focused on that aspect. And while that aspect needs addressing, it will do nothing to change the underlying cause and problem at hand. Stay angry, but channel that energy toward harassing the fuck out of elected officials until they do something or campaigning for politicians who will. Putting the focus on law enforcement's response plays right into the hands of the "we need more secure schools to solve this problem" crowd. Fuck those cops if indeed they hung around and did nothing, but Twitter and the rest of the Internet fuck up stories like this every damn time. Internet warriors gonna do what they do. So will shitty cops. Stay focused on gun control. Get involved if you're truly moved to do so. Lots of gun control advocacy groups out there. Or just reach out to politicians directly, but keep doing it a month from now, and six months from now, and next year, and so on.
  20. Agreed. Maybe her LSAT and essays sucked. In my area, I deal with Southwestern grads somewhat regularly. She's the most impressive I've come across. Anyway, back to Amber Heard. She's crazy, but she's not that hot, which makes the equation very confusing as to why anyone would put up with her. I've never understood the fascination. Has always been kind of weird looking, in my opinion. Not ugly, just not worthy of adoration.
  21. She graduated a mediocre law school at a time big law was dumping partners and slashing costs every way they could thanks to the Great Recession. That was probably the worst time to become a lawyer in the history of the country. Most big firms revamped their partnership structures rendering it damn near impossible for a young attorney like Camille to get ahead. Fortunately, on occasion cream rises to the top even in those ridiculously antiquated firms. Good for her getting such a high profile opportunity. She nailed it. She'll easily be able to leverage this into a partnership at her current firm or a new one.
  22. People get paid to do this work. lol For their next experiment these top notch psychologists will determine that water is indeed wet.
  23. Good advice, and in line with CDC guidelines. He could test positive for three months, but after day ten any virus in his system is nontransmittal. We've had a couple of years to get this data together, and only very severe cases result in being contagious past day ten of symptoms.
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