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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. He's in San Antonio. The women there couldn't waddle across a parking lot to commit the act, much less run away after they did it.
  2. Strippers, unresolved childhood trauma, daddy issues. There must be a connection here somewhere.
  3. When is it as low as 71 at night? In January? We're dealing with a two-fold quandary here. The information was written by a Gen Z journalist, which means he was raised in the era of dubious educational theories about teaching literacy, resulting in a couple of generations of near-illiterate Americans, including those with a college education. It's also modern journalism and, therefore, slapdash by default. However, even if the article was fully researched, heavily vetted, and edited multiple times by someone taught how to read and write properly, he's still working from language drafted by our city employees and elected officials. When has a local ordinance ever been drafted clearly? I agree with requiring landlords to air-condition properties, though. Hopefully, once the lawyers get this sorted out, it will be good for the city.
  4. I saw a cybertruck drop off what looked like Torchy's Tacos at a neighbor's house the other day. I was flabbergasted on multiple levels.
  5. I'm not sure they could, even if they tried.
  6. So you're saying it's the tech industry in a nutshell, eh?
  7. I missed this old-fashioned crafty Jews conspiracy remark upon first read of this page. Way to stick with the classics, arschloch.
  8. You just made me consider the notion that there are enough dumbasses in this country that Tate may well be president in another decade or two. I will now go drink and fill out some "just in case" immigration paperwork.
  9. Here's a picture of the fucker (can't get imgur to imbed): https://imgur.com/a/J4Q901U, If you haven't run into him yourself in the last couple of years, you don't spend much time downtown or have been very lucky. Some people just need to be removed from society, and I suspect an individual will eventually do just that with this guy since our justice system doesn't seem to have any means of willingness to incarcerate him or otherwise help him. That piece of shit has an Instagram account where he weaves flowers into his hair for photos and waxes poetic about peace, love, his choice to live a homeless lifestyle, and when he thinks he might go back to jail for a couple of days before being rereleased. Numerous people have been attacked by this asshole, most often with the heavy chain he brandishes, but he's still wandering about. Some see mental illness here and immediately give him a hall pass. I see a selfish asshole who abandoned his daughter so he can get drunk and fight people. Either way he shouldn't be on the streets.
  10. Why do you say commie? Are their suspicions about who started it floating?
  11. That's where I think you're wrong. We demonstrate over and over again in this state that the families in Chipmunk Estates don't matter at all. Neither do the families in the neighborhoods the Chipmunk kids will have to ride the bus to. The only families or family values that matter come from the burbs. The city is for suckers, clearly.
  12. Kind of. The Texas Supreme Court ruled that our method of financing schools created unconstitutional inequities, and the legislature responded with the Recapture bill.
  13. There is waste everywhere, to be sure, but AISD is spending less per kid than most school districts in the state, and in line with other city school district. Suburban schools spend significantly more (often without paying for it themselves). This type of simple thinking makes folks in districts with giant football stadiums think they paid for it themselves because there was a bond election for it, while completely disregarding the millions in recapture dollars that were received to pay for everything else. Austin residents paid $1.67 billion in taxes and $940 million in recapture (much of which went into the general fund to be passed out to cronies through contract work). It's robbery. I love that Spring Branch tried to put their foot down last year, even though they ultimately had to cave. I would love it if AISD school board told the state to fuck off and come and try to take our money. It would be symbolic, ultimately, but the know-nothing voters in this state need to be made more aware of what type of pure criminals they keep electing, who don't mind stealing from kids to line their own pockets. I suppose as long as it's those inner city kids many still won't care, but it's bound to wake some people up. Our school funding system has been hijacked by low rent criminals, and most Texans don't care. That's not the type of Texans I recall being brought up with.
  14. Gotta love the response of, "Just learn to live with it", to what amounts to direct theft from a school district whose residents pay significantly more than any other district in the state just to allow dipshits in the suburbs to have football palaces and robotic labs that no one uses. Kind of reminds one of Clayton William's "May as well lay back and enjoy it" line (which was amazingly repurposed by a dipshit candidate in Michigan in 2022). This all ultimately amounts to taxation without representation, and if the shoe were on the other foot the folks in the burbs would be marching on the capitol with guns. I don't want to see vouchers pass, but it will be fascinating to watch all the handwringing from the same crowd when their public schools get as shitty as city school districts are now. We just can't stop electing criminals in this state, and it baffles me when the default setting of most Texans, regardless of their politics, is to be hardworking and honest. It's been an amazing and scary con to watch play out since the nineties.
  15. Dropped the wife's vehicle at the dealership Thursday morning for some warranty work and recall service. Great timing. Just sitting there until they figure this shit out.
  16. AISD is fucked. It's nothing new, but it makes me sad every time I think about it. Selfishly, it's in part because I don't want to move or pay private school tuition again. More broadly, it's a disgrace what the party of family values is doing to children in this state. Once TEA backs up their evangelical truck of bullshit to loot what is left of AISD, which is any year now, we'll pull the kids immediately. Not putting them through what those kids in Houston are dealing with. Texas should be completely fucking ashamed of itself for recapture, but the good folks in the suburbs don't care because they got theirs. Raising taxes again is exactly what the crooks in office want, as it provides them with more plunder. I feel stupid every time I pause and actually think about why we live here.
  17. I assume this study was performed in the hope that something may actually get done about the problem.
  18. When it comes to these shootings, it seems like "WTF is wrong with you, towns within a 1.5-hour drive from Austin?" may be more appropriate. Austin is full of Liams, Olivias, Elijahs, Isabellas, Olivers, and Emmas, who just moved to Austin from Brooklyn or San Francisco (or even worse, DFW). They aren't shooting a damn thing, even if they may be a larger cause for concern than dumbass teenagers with firearms.
  19. I’m always amazed how much worse traffic is on the weekends than week days. Week days it’s really just the rush hours bringing people in. Saturday and Sunday it’s all damn day. If it weren’t for you knuckle dragging suburbanites, traffic in Austin would be just fine.
  20. Is it possible the driver was visiting from China? https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/why-drivers-in-china-intentionally-kill-the-pedestrians-they-hit-chinas-laws-have-encouraged-the-hit-to-kill-phenomenon.html
  21. Glad she was convicted. For those outside of Texas, the most shocking part of this story is likely not that the perpetrator is a woman of color herself but that Texas actually passed hate crime legislation. To be fair, a conviction under the hate crime statute is exceedingly rare, but it's on the books. They're rare enough that this is a conviction the Collin County DA's office will be bragging about.
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