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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. 1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I would have more important things to do than answer nosy neighbor questions in a time like that.

    She was largely there to express gratitude to those neighbors who came running when it happened and offered aid, as in the moment she was obviously a bit distracted.  She wasn't posting "look at me" content.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Has anyone seen numbers on how many kids bailed from AISD last year?  Just anecdotally from the parents I know that either moved or went private I would think it has to be significant.  Between the shitshow of last year, the PTA defunding middle finger to parents who have been keeping AISD schools functioning and afloat for a decade, and, let's not forget, the heavy push for bussing that damn near happened and will undoubtedly come up again soon, it's hard to imagine there will be much of an AISD left if they also fuck up this fall.


    EDIT: I forgot to add to the list how dangerously close AISD was to having the State take over the district before Covid hit.  One more failing grade for one of the middle schools and the State could move in.  I assume they got a pass for last year, and I have no idea if the count restarts this year or if a failing grade this year will result in the option for takeover.  What a mess.

  3. 2 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Hmmm, I started losing hair on my calves a few years ago, but thought it was years of wearing dress socks with my work attire. No other hair loss.

    That's what I thought caused that look as well, but apparently it's the alopecia.  Also, I'm an idiot.  I meant 5" diameter circles, not circumference.

  4. I've got a beautiful thick head of hair on my head, but a year ago developed a ~5" circumference bald spot on the tops of both thighs.  I thought maybe my pants were rubbing and I needed to drop a few, but doctor said it was alopecia and very common in men in their 40s/50s.  More common on the calves.  Then he told me I should still lose a few pounds anyway.

  5. I'm thinking we build a big ass wall around Utah and move all the antivax folks in there to fend for themselves.  I know Utah is pretty and we'll kind of miss it, but they'll all be dead in a year or two and then we can go off roading there again.  Might as well give 'em something pretty to look at while the measles get to work.

  6. 2 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:


    catching up a little but as of July 6th still 8 and 13 points behind (with everyone way behind the Asians). And guess what/ the blacks and Hispanics aren’t behind the whites because they are disproportionately evangelical, Trumpers or crunchies. That’s the talking points but it’s not reality. 
    If we care to actually fix this and get this right (I’m not sure that we should, I’m not sure that it matters) we probably ought to tailor this thing to be persuasive to the groups that are holding out, which means, you know, accurately identifying who those groups are and then messaging in such a way that could be helpful. 

    Also- I don’t think it’s likely that any more vaccinations will be particularly helpful from a group perspective. My brothers family, for example, isn’t vaccinated but they’ve all had the Rona and should have natural immunity that as helpful, or more helpful, than any vaccine. I’m sure there’s a decent chunk of people there. Combine that with 67% of the total adult population being vaccinated and we should be well over the 70% that was touted as being necessary for hers immunity.  
    If the Delta variant doesn’t stop because of vaccines then getting people vaccinated isn’t going to stop it and that horse is probably already out of the barn. If the delta strain isn’t sending vaccinated people to the hospital or morgue then it becomes a minor inconvenience on the same level as the flu or cold or some other irritation that we deal with that doesn’t involve us freaking the hell out. 
    If the delta variant is sending people to the hospital and morgue (which doesn’t appear like the case right now- wishcasting from some in the media and authority aside) then I guess we are right back to March of 2020 with half or more of society opting out. Which would, quite obviously, suck donkey balls. 

    Frank Luntz has been brought in to develop talking points that will resonate with the largest group of holdouts - evangelical conservatives.  I don't know who they need to speak to the granola eaters, Deepak Chopra?  The relatively small gap between Hispanics/blacks and whites can be attributed as much to access as anything else.  Regardless of race, or whether or not someone is into yoga and natural healing, the common thread amongst the unvaccinated is largely a lack of education, which is the common thread for many large scale health related issues.  This brings me back to my original plan - gang tackling and forced vaccinations.

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  7. 1 hour ago, StruggleBus said:

    Nothing is fucked. Has there been a huge spike of hospitalizations and deaths among vaccinated people? If not, then it don’t make a shit 

    Not yet.  The point is that the longer this shit floats around the more likely new variants emerge.  The right shift in makeup and the vaccinations become a complete waste of money and effort.  And we'll all end up right back where we were a year ago.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 13 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Blacks and Mexicans are lagging both those groups FYI. 

    This is no longer the case, although it was early on.  The last two or three months have almost completely closed any gap in vaccination rate based on race or ethnicity (I'm going to assume you were speaking about Latinos/Hispanics and not Mexican nationals).  The holdouts now appear to be die hard Trumpers, evangelicals, and the new age yoga crowd.  These three groups include members of all races/ethnicities.  

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  9. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    So y'all think that the same people refusing the vaccine because they don't think it's necessary for the first Coronavirus are gonna suddenly get science and go get it because it's necessary for a variant of a thing they don't really believe in in the first place?  Yeah, good luck with that. 

    I don't think cigarettes are bad for me at all.  I won't be told about the risks of smoking.  You then come along with an even more dangerous cigarette (twice the tar in a more lethal deliverable mechanism) and think that'll scare me into believing the risks of smoking?  No, it'll only confirm what I thought about the first cigarette---it's fine and looks even less harmful in comparison to this new thing you're shouting about.  It's not confirmation bias.  It's Empowered Stupidity Bias.  That which does not kill me can only be repackaged to kill somebody else, but not me.  'Cause I'm strong and smart.  Not dumb like everybody says, I'm smart.  

    That's why they need to be tackled and force fed vaccines.  They're too stupid to function on their own and will take the rest of us down with them.

  10. I'm at the point where I'm willing to sign up to gang tackle any morons refusing vaccination and hold them down while someone administers the shot.  Fuck those morons.  As a large number of them are apparently evangelicals and antigovernment conspiracy nuts, they can use the experience to feed their victimhood complex.  The granola eating yoga instructors that apparently make up the rest of the antivax crowd can simply go cry in their leotards afterwards or maybe burn some sage to cleanse their unclean blood. 

    The win here is two-fold.  We'll stop further spread and mutation of this virus, and maybe, maybe, these yahoos will realize vaccinations won't kill you after they've been force fed a couple of doses.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  11. 21 minutes ago, orange dream said:

    Talked to a co-worker yesterday who tested positive (along with his wife and teenage son) for the Delta variant over the weekend.

    He, his wife and his teenage son have all been fully vaccinated with Moderna (April / May timeframe) .

    Son apparently picked it up at a camp somewhere in west Texas a week or so ago. Came home after camp with a dry cough and generally worn out.  They assumed he was just tired from camp and had some allergies, etc.  Cough and fatigue persisted and his ears had fluid so they went to the doctor to check on a possible ear infection.  Doc said they needed to covid test even though they had been vaccinated.  Son was positive.  Parents were tested and were positive also.  The mom and dad both developed a cough and the dad even ended up with a 104 fever.  County health tested them all again to confirm it was the Delta variant and it was.  They're in Kerr county.

    I do not like this story.  Nope.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 3 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:


    You do realize that Baptist churches are all independent, right? Acting like there is some grand conspiracy to keep predators under wraps among Baptists is as ludicrous as acting like there is a conspiracy between all gas station owners to do the same. Or all churches, protestant or Catholic. The fact is that there is a lot of petty bickering that goes on between churches, and they don't cooperate that well for things outside of missions.

    The most likely mechanism that allows sexual predators to move about within the Baptist Church is a combination of worry about liability and general embarassment since congregational committees are typically the ones who select candidates and then the whole church votes on them. If you got generally run off from your job because you were a little too handsy with your coworkers, but there was no proof other than he said she said, the HR folks aren't going to say much about that because of liability. You get to run off to another company who will eventually run you off as well. The Baptist churches operate the same way. There is no mystery beyond the fact that religious organizations are a magnet for predators because they provide access to kids.

    Excuse GIF by MOODMAN

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 57 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    Whatever happened to the NCAA report & decision on the Baylor rape/coverup scandal that was supposed to be made public over a year ago?

    Baptist coverup magic.  I have no idea how they do it, but I'll bet it's underhanded and disgusting.  

  14. 23 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    I'm actually shocked that one of the low budget airlines like Spirit has not moved to a weight-based pricing model.

    They already charged you a penalty if your bag is over a certain weight why not just combine the passenger and the luggage give them one total weight allowance and if you're over 200 or 250 lb you start paying.

    If you're not over 200 when combined with a piece of luggage you either travel very lightly or are one small mother fucker.

  15. 4 hours ago, Lobo said:

    If 60,000 crazy...wait until I tell the stats for the Baptist and Catholic Churches.  60k is an executive summary to them.  

    I'm amazed at how well the Baptists have managed to keep a lid on their scandal.  The information is out there now, but it seems like no one knows about it (or perhaps in Texas their prevalence is still large enough that everyone is just pretending like it hasn't come to light).  BSA and the RCC everyone is aware of.  Baptist Church absolutely belongs in any discussion of the holy trinity of sexual abuse with the other two.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. I read that thread this morning.  Well, I read half of it before the typical Nextdoor dumbassery broke me down and I had to stop.  My favorite may have been the guy was offended that someone used the word "game".   "This is not a game, people." smdh

    Obviously, whoever did this is a sick fuck.  But so are the deer lovers who feed the fucking things in a city.  Lyme disease gives them a big "Thank you!"

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