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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. Well he's not wrong about the Canada part.  My 80 something in-laws are still waiting around and hoping for a shot.  But yeah, America isn't the only ones developing vaccines.  We are the country paying for most of it, in one way or another.

    My kids are growing up in Texas, but are dual citizens and can move to Canada for university or work once they're adults.  I'm interested to see where life takes them.  I honestly couldn't say which nation I think will be a more appealing place to work and live in twenty years.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    When I say that public schools largely serve non-white students, that’s a pretty easy google question. In Texas 27% of public school students are white.

    Before drawing any conclusions here, it should be noted that only 33% of Texas children are white (non-Hispanic).  And that number drops every year.

    The leftover gap can largely be explained by the fundamentalist folks who send their kids to cheap private schools to learn about Jesus.  I don't think they really count in an argument that kids in private schools are getting a leg up on public schools kids.  Outside of a church bubble, those kids are going to struggle.

    The number of kids attending good private schools that actually prepare them for university and a life of privilege is very small in Texas.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. This sounds like a nickname that just might stick.   I agree it should go back to kids born at least in 2010, if not a bit earlier.  2010 births would be roughly 5th graders.  If you go back a couple more years you capture the kids currently in middle school.  Those are the formative years, and the kids who will be most directly impacted by the events of the last year.  High school kids are impacted as well, but not so much in a developmental way.  They're mostly just getting screwed out of having a good time like the rest of the adults.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 18 hours ago, sasquatch69 said:

    In McKinney.

    A mask-less Trader Joe's customer in Texas had a meltdown after being denied entry — and it reveals how states' new rules endanger workers


    (Edit: Tried to embed - didn't work.)


    10 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Haha these people are too stupid to breathe. I feel sorry for the employees. 


    10 hours ago, Newdoc said:

    They breathe and breed. No Darwin effect here. They've already passed the genes and the behavior to their offspring. Lucky us.

    And this genius in the video has no idea about federal law and refusal of service. It's a general policy that is applied to all customers and does not discriminate against a federal protected class.

    That dude clearly has some serious mental health issues.  He started speaking in French for no reason in the middle of it.  The real kicker is that he's from California and came to Texas to throw that baby hissy fit.

    Outside of someone who permanently needs an oxygen mask/tank and therefore can't really wear another mask properly, what the fuck kind of disability prevents someone from wearing a mask?  I just assume that assholes like this make that shit up.  I feel bad for his kids.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    Either way...no one should care strongly about this unless you’re English, paid to cover these people, or somehow a part of their family.  Not sure I’d tie youth culture into it as those most closely following it are decidedly not yutes. 

    This was definitely an off topic discussion based on something Armybrat wrote and I ran with.   I agree that youth culture doesn't really have anything to do with this. 

  6. Just now, BradInATX said:

    Come see me in New Braunfels and then tell me if you still think that.

    (I generally agree with your principle if we're talking about race, though - Austin is white af)

    It's eerie how white Austin is.  

    My wife has been sending me links to houses for sale in New Braunfels in her not so subtle way, so it's probably only a matter of time before the move.  Your comment doesn't make me feel great about it. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Homercles said:

    I don’t know...I saw an awful lot of middle aged white people storming the Capitol building.  And bashing on the latest generation is a tale older than all of us here, excluding maybe Brat.  There’s crazies in every generation, and social media gives them the possibility of massive reach to connect with like minded crazies.  

    Peronally I don’t give two shits about any of these people, but it’s been a fascinating thread to read.  

    That's a good point regarding the number of old fucks at the Capitol.  I wasn't intending to bash the latest generation so much as make a point about the transition we've made to a youth culture over the last fifty years.  Our economy runs through the kids now, as does our culture in general.  Young people have a louder voice than ever before, and while that has lead to some great things (who better to point out the sins of the parent than the child?) it's also making us more reactionary, hysterical, and ridiculous.  It's not so much that these kids are any different than any other generation, it's just they're living in different times and have more influence over everyone else than at any time prior.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Just now, Armybrat said:

    Yeah, back then I told students - You don’t like how things are run? Then join the system actively and change it.

    And that's what young folks have done since that time, mostly for the better, up until this latest bunch (Gen Z I guess?)  They appear to be more interested in burning everything down than fixing anything.

  9. 5 hours ago, BradInATX said:


    Educated people, music, art, culture, and a collection of people that aren't all exact like one another isn't for everyone.

    I love Austin, but the one major knock against it for me is it's the most homogeneous town I've ever lived in.  While things have been improving in some ways, the constant tech industry growth isn't exactly helping.  We may be seeing more different looking faces these days, but they're all spewing the same empty-souled bullshit.  Anyone who may be cut from a different cloth is being forced out, and rapidly.

    Now back to the gathering of pitchforks, feathers, and tar.  Let's not lose site of the real focus of our derision here - the city manager and his cronies.   

  10. 5 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

    Sure, directly this shit is just a sideshow for us Americans.

    what I personally find interesting is how the massively uniformed woke internet Us public is being used at a weapon against people in real power. It’s a new use of our social acceptance of manufactured reality and we are being used like chumps.

    It points to big implications across our society in the future.

    We've been handing our culture over to children going back at least to the 60's.  Now they're almost fully in control.  The results are unsurprising. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    I read an article yesterday that said they delayed the trial by a day to see if they could get 3rd degree murder charges listed as an alternative to 2nd degree.   They would still go for 2nd degree murder, but some pundits felt that if the 3rd degree option was on the table the jurors might consider that instead.


    its all bullshit and it makes me really worried this guy is going to somehow end up not being convicted of murder... and the holy shit-dom that would come from that is terrifying.

    Better start hoarding supplies now.

  12. Why do so many want to take sides?  Isn't it possible that absolutely everyone involved in this story, from the Markles, to the Royal Family, to Piers Morgan and Oprah, are all complete sacks of shit who don't merit anyone's attention other than as soap opera distraction material?   If we're all just arguing in the same way people might debate the merits of which bachelorette should be chosen (i.e. knowing full well it's fake bullshit and doesn't matter but serves as some form of low brow entertainment) then I guess that makes sense.   Seems like a lot of you are actually upset one way or the other about this. 

    Rich, talentless ass wipes argue with each other with no actual consequences and they're all still rich.  Film at 11.   I look forward to the reunion special when the kids are grown.

    • Hook 'Em 8
    • Haha 1
  13. Getting the second dose tomorrow.   The first one led to chills, fever, and headache.  Hit on the day after the injection and only lasted about twelve hours.   I'm not looking forward to what the second dose is going to do, but I'm glad to be getting it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    Education starts in the home. Parents who don't give a shit about their kids education will have stupid poor kids. The fact that this mom was "surprised" that her son only passed three classes and then blames the school is the reason why her son is a fucking idiot. Tree, meet the apple spawn at your feet.

    I agree with you, and if you can come up with a plan for fixing what goes on in people's homes I'm all ears.  Until that riddle is solved all we can do is try and fix the education system, which is plenty broken on its own.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 38 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    It was originally entitled "Opus Dais Jizzus" and was to be their ballad answer to "Bohemian Rhapsody"...but you know how the labels always fuck it up.  

    Seriously though---it is criminal how little Adler has been taken to task on his handling of the leadership at Austin Water.  I mean the fucking Chronicle hasn't even bothered to look into the story and they look into the most mundane shit.  

    I'm all for Adler catching pure shit, but let's not forget the person who should really be crucified for this: Spencer Cronk.  Fucker makes over $300k+ per year and this is the best he can do?  He's the dumbass who hired Greg Meszaros ($200k+) and Jackie Sargent ($400k+).  All three of them should be on the next bus back to where they came from.  And they should take any of their other hires with them.

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