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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. 19 hours ago, PSalinas said:

    Shaka gets outcoached a lot. He rarely gets out-talented, but he routinely gets outcoached. I'm not an insider, but all I ever hear from the guy is a bunch of New Age metaphysical garbage about diffuse abstractions like connectivity, being the best version of yourself for each other, and similar nonsense. When the other team doesn't have a legit post player (nobody taller than 6' 7" except some stiff from Serbia who never sees the floor) and you have freaking three of them, that would seem to suggest a gameplan of selling out to score inside. Either Shaka didn't comprehend that and plan accordingly, or he did and his team blew him off. His guys seem to do what they feel like doing anyway, so I'm not sure concepts as quaint as a gameplan are even worth talking about. He's had six years, tons of legit talent, several lottery picks, and he is in danger of leaving without ever having won a tournament game here. Pathetic.

    I think the bolded part is the key.   Tons of talent, but too many of them are more concerned about shit talking and showboating than they are winning games.  That comes back to coaching too, of course.  Recruit guys who actually want to play college ball and maybe some games will be won.  I know it's the curse of the 1 and done era, but sheesh.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 19 hours ago, PSalinas said:

    Shaka gets outcoached a lot. He rarely gets out-talented, but he routinely gets outcoached. I'm not an insider, but all I ever hear from the guy is a bunch of New Age metaphysical garbage about diffuse abstractions like connectivity, being the best version of yourself for each other, and similar nonsense. When the other team doesn't have a legit post player (nobody taller than 6' 7" except some stiff from Serbia who never sees the floor) and you have freaking three of them, that would seem to suggest a gameplan of selling out to score inside. Either Shaka didn't comprehend that and plan accordingly, or he did and his team blew him off. His guys seem to do what they feel like doing anyway, so I'm not sure concepts as quaint as a gameplan are even worth talking about. He's had six years, tons of legit talent, several lottery picks, and he is in danger of leaving without ever having won a tournament game here. Pathetic.

    I think the bolded part is the key.   Tons of talent, but too many of them are more concerned about shit talking and showboating than they are winning games.  That comes back to coaching too, of course.  Recruit guys who actually want to play college ball and maybe some games will be won.  I know it's the curse of the 1 and done era, but sheesh.

  3. 2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:



    These. If it was as simple as stupid people making their own choice and only impacting themselves, I’m ask for that. But there are a lot of people who can suffer unnecessarily that way, and it affords the virus more opportunities to mutate into a form that more seriously compromises vaccines. Ultimately the defining attribute is probably selfishness.



    I'd be fine with rounding up antivaxxers and tossing them into a walled off section of the Nevada desert to fend for themselves.  No vaccines required for admission!

  4. When they mention there will be regular downtime right on the main web page, it doesn't sound like a solid choice if you work from home until they get more established.


  5. 38 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    I wonder if the HC workers response is because they have to deal with the bureaucracy/red tape of the Government involvement in healthcare and don't have faith in it. I would be jaded being in their shoes.

    Talking with doctor friends about the reason for this, and their response has all been some version of, "The percentage of techs and nurses working in healthcare who went to med school is the exact same percentage as those who don't work in healthcare at all.  Even among the doctors, most of them don't know shit about epidemiology.  In other words, they're just as susceptible to online conspiracy nonsense as anyone else.  The public shouldn't be taking any direction from what healthcare workers do or don't do.  They don't know any more than anyone else, and the percentage of them that are ignorant mouth breathers is no different than that of the general populace."

    Makes sense to me.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 9 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Wow, it would be the literal definition of the Prosperity Gospel, no?  The more you send him, the more likely he is to defeat his legal/financial demons, which means the more likely he is to re-assume the Oval Office in 2025, which means the more money will come back to you in the form of booming economy/tax cuts?  

    God damnit so many people would actually fall for that.  Throw in the promise of even more pro-lifers in the judiciary and bingo bango he's back!

  7. 4 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    So why are we worried about stupid people not taking a shot that can save their lives?

    1.  Vaccines get taken by smart people

    2.  Vaccines don't get taken by stupid people

    3.  Covid still spreads but generally more amongst stupid people and when smart people get it they don't get seriously ill/die

    4.  Stupid People Die

    5.  Darwin profits

    Notice...no ????? in that scenario

    That would work great so long as it doesn't mutate when spreading amongst the morons and become vaccine resistant.  And it would, because Murphy is an asshole.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Lobo said:

    I'd bet 95% of his supporters think he's a billionaire and 95% of his supporters couldn't identify what kind of a corporation flow-thru "The Trump Organization" is.  And even if they did 95% of them couldn't read his balance sheet with a gun to their heads.  

    To be fair, neither could 95% of his detractors.

    When it all comes to light, those who hate him will laugh and point.  Those (hopefully shrinking by the day) who love him will find a way to convince themselves he's always been successful and has been treated unfairly.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  9. 16 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    The same amount of ire directed at the state/ercot/electric market needs to be directed at the local regulated electric and water utilities as well.  Frozen pipes are one thing, but how these fucksticks in Austin could let their main water plant lose power, particularly when they were not using rolling blackouts in order to prioritize  “critical” infrastructure, is beyond comprehension. Remember when these chuckle fucks tweeted out that everything was fine with the water supply, and then promptly ran out of supply in a few hours? 

    That's where nearly all of the ire for Austin residents should be directed.  The days long blackouts, and days long water shortage are completely on the city of Austin.  So long as Spencer Cronk, Greg Meszaros, and Jackie Sargent all get their ass fired once the dust settles on this,  I won’t mind the trouble that much.  They're all incompetent ass clowns.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, Bigpoppapump said:

    I still don't really get this either.  The electric bill in August is usually ten times the bill in January, not just in Texas but anywhere else I've lived and still had GFA - including colder climates. 

    Is it possible that the electric providers, in cahoots with ERCOT, just don't want to pay the spiked costs during a situation like this so they cook up some bullshit about energy shortage as an excuse to shut down half the state?  I know it's more likely they are merely incompetent and have just failed to secure the system despite this same thing happening a decade ago, but I don't want to fully discount the possibility of malfeasance.  Either way, fuck all of them and I hope heads roll.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Anyone here in 78727 - Lamplight Village area between MoPac and Metric or even 35?

    Mom lives up there and haven’t been able to get in touch since last night. Of course, she thinks you can’t turn your phone on while it’s on the charger and basically treats her cell like a landline you plug in, so she’s often impossible to get a hold of.

    I’m in Houston so can’t get out there to check on her. She is probably fine, I think I’d have heard if otherwise, but curious about the area. May see if a buddy of mine can do a welfare check.

    I have a friend just on the other side of Mopac from Lamplight Village area (north of Duval west of Mopac), and they haven't lost power.  With St. David's North being nearby, I suspect your mom's area is not going to get the power turned off for blackouts.

  12. 2 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

    Earlier in this thread I asked about one of my elders who had a much worse reaction to Pfizer 1 than anyone else. He's the only one who we think had COVID.  The consensus was that, just like shot 2 tends to be more severe than shot 1 (if anything), it's more likely that you'll have a greater reaction to shot 1 if you've had it.

    Now keep in mind that "greater reaction" is relative.  He had a bad day and a half and he's well over 70.  But nothing approaching needing to go to a hospital or even to a doctor.

    My father (mid 70's) had COVID back in early December, and is getting his second dose of vaccine today.  He didn't have much reaction to the first, but his COVID symptoms were also relatively mild.  I'll be interested to see what he reports after this second round.

    My maternal grandmother (mid 90's) also had COVID, was locked in a room with two other old COVID positive patients at the nursing home and basically left to die.  She was the only one who walked out of that room alive.  She never had a single symptom despite clear heavy exposure to the virus.  She also had no trouble with either dose of vaccine.  I think we'll eventually figure out that whether or not a particular gene or three is active will be responsible for who gets bad symptoms and who doesn't. 


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  13. 16 hours ago, Texas Jeff said:

    They said they have 188k that are eligible now, but they have a "points" system based on criteria and they email only the people on the list that have points over a threshold.  In theory anyone could go claim an appointment if you are eligible but there is no way I have found to claim on if you are 1B and you have not received the "preferred" email.

    They are not disclosing the algorithm that determines points and there is no way to find out how many points you have.

    It's APH. The determining factors aren't that hard to figure out.  Here's a hint: look at any question on the registration that has the option "prefer not to answer".

    I don't blame APH.  Their (unstated) mission is to help those who need it most: the uninsured, underrepresented, etc.  I think this is a good thing.  The fault lies with the state sending almost all of the vaccines to APH knowing that they don't have the capacity to handle it and that their guiding principles are going to run counter to running a vaccine program that should be for the benefit of the entire community.  

    The best bet for someone who doesn't meet their criteria, at least until the state decides to send doses anywhere other than APH and a handful to UT, is to look outside of Austin. 

  14. Buddy lives right around the corner.  Nice neighborhood.  One of the kids is an infant.  Completely fucked up story.  No updates as to this dude being caught. 


    Description: White Male 5'10" 210 lbs brown eyes black hair.  License plate FXJ5034   Known to the victims.

    I haven't heard or seen any updates this morning.  I would hope the cops have him since they know who they're looking for.  Apparently was a drive by while the woman and her kids were in their car.  Unclear, but sounds like he may be the baby daddy or a boyfriend or something.  Lots of rounds fired according to neighbors.  Went Texas Rangers on Bonnie and Clyde style.  Fuck this fat fucker. 



    AUSTIN (KXAN) — One adult and two juveniles were taken to the hospital after a shooting in northwest Austin Wednesday night. A search for the suspect is now underway.

    Multiple calls came in at 8:50 p.m., according to the Austin Police Department, for a shooting in the 4100 block of Balboa Lane. That’s off Cabana Lane near Dorsett Road. APD said multiple witnesses reported hearing shots.

    When officers arrived, APD said they found three people, who are related to each other, with gunshot wounds — one woman and two small children.

    The woman was taken to Dell Seton, and the two kids were taken to Dell Children’s Medical Center. All had non-life-threatening injuries, according to APD.

    The suspect left the scene in a vehicle, and APD is currently trying to find them. Police believe they know the identity of the suspect, who is known to the victims.

    A perimeter has been set up, APD said, and a helicopter is also helping with the search. The area will be closed off for the next few hours so APD can investigate.

    You can report any tips on the open investigation to Crime Stoppers at (512) 472-8477.

  15. Just get the second shot, ffs.  We Americans can't seem to stop stepping on our own dicks.  If there's a way to fuck up the vaccination program and remain mired in this nonsense for an extra year or two, we'll find it.   Not wanting to be bothered with a second dose when most can't get the first seems about par for the course.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  16. 15 hours ago, Bottlecap said:

    super frustrating not being able to find a vax for my wife and I who have been exposed in the classroom since mid october, dodging bullets left and right as the kids and staff  around us drop like flies. It also forced us to send our 3 kids back into the classroom at that time. honestly I can't believe we haven't got it yet (as far as we know). at least my parents are due for round 2 soon. not prioritizing teachers in texas was pretty fucked up. 

    I'm not sure where you're at, but teachers in parts of the panhandle were distributed vaccines through their school nurses early (as in already had second dose). If you're in Austin, well . . .  we're sorta fucked.

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