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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. On 1/23/2021 at 5:23 PM, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    I’m 46 and have always stayed in good shape. No injuries throughout my life and only a broken big toe from dropping a 45 on it.

    I stretch 2x a day but man are the tendons/ligaments in my knees tight. Feels like an old rope. I take collagen every day but another other OTC suggestions?

    Voltaren is the shit.  Won't help with loosening up the tendons, but it will help with the pain and swelling after you've loosened them up with a foam roller.

  2. If a sizable percentage of homeless people have drug addiction issues, how on earth are you going to get them to move out to areas away from their dealers?  Or can we expect the drugs to follow the community and turn these areas into places easier to score?  And if that's the case, why are they putting some of them near schools?   Or are these hotels not for the chronically homeless but for those who fell on some bad times, families, etc.?  

    I don't have a problem with this plan if it actually helps to address the problem.  I just don't understand how it does.  And I'd prefer the real estate assholes who run this city not line their pockets by overpaying.

  3. Lloyd's a good dude.  I reached out to him back in 2002 with an issue I couldn't get resolved, and he and his staff completely took care of it.  No incentive other than helping out a constituent. I certainly had nothing to offer at that time, and I'm not from an important family or a big donor.  I was just a young fella with a problem, and he graciously helped.  I'm not in his district any more, but he'd get my vote any time.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Pfizer doesn't make their money in the EU, with their heavily regulated drug prices, that's for sure.  The rest of the world, especially the EU, can kindly fuck off on this issue as far as I'm concerned.  Everyday Americans have subsidized their cheap medicine for decades by paying ridiculous prices here.  Yanks should be first in line for this one.

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  5. I keep reading/hearing about people who keep going to the APH website and trying and trying and trying until they can finally schedule an appointment?  What the hell are they doing?  I'm trying to get help an elderly neighbor get an appointment, but the site keeps saying that they have preregistered and someone will contact them when they can make an appointment.  What am I missing

  6. 5 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

    You really think he’s never done shady shit like this before while executing his duties as a peace officer? I bet you think strippers like you too.

    Your username doesn't check out.

    If he did something shady while executing his duties, string him up.   But falsifying an annulment document to get laid was not the intent of the statue they're arresting him under.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

    He committed a crime(State Jail Felony) that was punishable by arrest, so they arrested him. How exactly is this over the top? Surly is perfectly fine jumping to conclusions and crucifying all law enforcement, but they actually get something right and arrest a corrupt hunk of shit and you argue it was unnecessary. This fucking place man I swear. 

    There's not a single person posting in this thread that hasn't committed a crime of one sort or another, by the black and white letter of the law.  Fortunately, our legal system has more capacity for nuance than the average poster.  Tampering with a government record with the intent to commit harm or fraud may cover this behavior, but it sure wasn't enacted to put someone in jail for simply being a douchebag.  The guys deserves every ass whipping he gets from whatever father, brother, friends, etc. steps up to the plate, and he deserves to lose his job as a public servant.  Jail time?  C'mon.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 25 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    There's this genre of music in the Black community loosely known as Grown Folks music. It's basically the modern blues, popular with the over 40 set. About 80 percent of the songs are about cheating, much like country music used to be. Anyway, the genre has one for every scenario and this is no exception. 


    That song was released 25 years ago.  The over 40 set that was listening to that in 1995 is now the over 65 set.  They need a "Scrambling to Get Vaccinated" blues.  Unfortunately, Denise LaSalle has been dead for a couple of years. 

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  9. Is anyone making the argument for infill beginning downtown and working its way outward?   We're already doing it with overpriced condos for foreign investors to snatch up downtown (which is just awesome for the future of any city), but wouldn't more folks support rezoning that starts with building large/affordable multifamily units in the city center before rezoning the outerlying neighborhoods along with it?  You'd get blowback from the folks in single family homes in those central areas, of course, but that could be overcome politically by the folks living further out from center.  Maybe if developers were just a hair less greedy they could make the long play and start in the middle.  Rezoning for multifamily units in northwest hills and similar areas is going to be a political nonstarter for at least another generation and probably longer.


    Obviously, I don't know shit.  Just wondering.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. It's interesting reading these stories of those of you who grew up just after DISD became a big city district and many of your parents found alternative schooling opportunities.  We're seeing the first phases of this with AISD now.  I once thought that it would take one more generation before the district is completely gutted, but covid is speeding up the process.

    Anyway - sorry to divert from the Dallas talk.

  11. In some ways, the bar to join the bar has been raised over the past few decades.  And in other ways, it has decidedly been lowered.


    Or:  Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you.


    Or: i promise 30 rock GIF

    • Rage+1 1
  12. I'm sure that something other than population is going into it the determination.  Lubbock county alone is around the 8 times mark of Dallas county (based on old data - will be interesting to see the 2020 census numbers as both will likely have grown significantly). I agree that the other 21 counties probably don't bring that number down lower than a factor of 6-7.  In any event, they seem to be doing a better job of getting shots into arms than other cities ( I know they had their website and vaccination sight up and running very smoothly a couple of weeks before Travis county started fucking up our rollout through APH.)  I'm all for sending the vaccinations to the places that have their shit together first.  It's the most efficient way to do it.  Of course, we seem to be doing the opposite and sending as much as possible to California. 

  13. Sounds very much like Jojo is a great dog who likely doesn't need a bit of correction or training for this behavior.  That's precisely what you want out of your dog.  If she becomes aggressive about protecting people/things that is unreasonable, then I would be concerned.  If this was the only situation she was protective, you're all set.

    Henry needs to be put down, I don't care what the vet said.  I would likely have been suckered into paying the $850 for the stitches as well, not wanting to make a tough decision like that in the moment.  But a blind, toothless, incontinent, and aggressive dog needs to call it a life.  I suspect your wife doesn't want any part of that decision, and if that's the case you'll have to be the one to step up and put your foot down.  The only person who would take a dog like this is an old person who is also some combination of blind, toothless, incontinent, and aggressive.  And that's not really a win for them or the dog. 

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