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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I've found that a steady diet of Claritin D and Flonase, starting mid December and lasting till March, gets the job done.  When the sinuses start to hurt I throw a Mucinex Sinus Max in the mix. Allergy eye drops for the itch there, and I can at least get necessary work accomplished.  I can't sleep for shit thanks to the meth pseudoephedrine in Claritin D, but otherwise muddle through.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Gale Snoats said:

    I'm in 1B and just registered via APH so now I guess I just wait for them to contact me to set up appointment?  Anyone have any experience on how long it takes from registering to getting contacted to make an appointment?  I don't understand why they took it out of HEB's hands.  Seems like a lot more folks were getting shots when they were involved and now all I read about is appointment cancellation, long lines, etc.  

    I'm also 1B, and registered with APH on Tuesday morning.  I still haven't been contacted for an appointment.  However, I know four people over the age of 75 who registered at the same time I did and they all have appointment for this weekend.  Anecdotally, it seems like they are vetting the applications at least to some degree and starting with the eldest first, which is a good thing.

  3. 13 hours ago, DCA_HORN said:
    14 hours ago, Samson said:
    You may be stunned to learn that even Amarillo and Lubbock have been on top of this and giving well organized vaccines in droves at civic centers, with online appointment scheduling, and extremely efficient execution.   We Austin slags are fucked, but we're the assholes who put these people in charge.

    Gotta give credit where credit is due. The good people of Austin saw the error in their ways and rectified it by electing a disaster scientist to the city council.

    True.  She should have everything running smoothly in no time.

  4. On 1/10/2021 at 2:47 PM, Dbeasy said:

    What I realized is that Houston Dallas and San Antonio have already been doing website online appointments and vaccinations while Austin, Williamson and Travis county have their thumbs up their assess. Why am I not surprised. The three STILL don’t have website name capture for scheduling appointments later. 

    You may be stunned to learn that even Amarillo and Lubbock have been on top of this and giving well organized vaccines in droves at civic centers, with online appointment scheduling, and extremely efficient execution.   We Austin slags are fucked, but we're the assholes who put these people in charge.

  5. On 7/8/2020 at 8:15 AM, Tom said:

    I had to read this tweet four times before it started to make sense.  Are there not editors at the NYT anymore?

    Once Sulzberger IV took over as publisher he has slowly fired anyone over the age of 40. Therefore anyone who received an education that didn't involve strict phonetics based language skills has moved on to greener pastures.


    TL/DR: kids run the NYT now, and kids dern't spell and edit good.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:


    Well, fuck 'em.  My family will happily step up and take them.  Everyone I know in healthcare (which is a sizable amount of folks) has had the first vaccine shot.  Who are these health workers that are balking?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I'm very sorry, Immortal.  We lost my 18 month old niece right before Christmas, so I can sympathize with a fraction of what you're going through, and I'm watching/helping my sister and her husband deal with it.   I don't think there's anything more emotionally difficult a human can go through.  I hope you guys are getting the help you need to survive this, and I hope that any grandparents are also being looked after.  My father seems to be taking the loss of his granddaughter harder than anyone.  No parent can imagine losing their child, even though we all live with the fear of it daily.  No grandparent ever even imagines outliving their grandchildren.  I gave the eulogy at my niece's funeral and it was the hardest fucking thing I've ever done.


    The next few days are going to be filled with lots of planning, dealing, negotiating, talking to family and friends.  It will go by in a blur and ideally your shock will carry you through.  Stay strong for what comes after everything settles down.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. 2 hours ago, ajax said:

    Lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth about Hilaria.


    So much pain.


    Recently my wife and kids were out for a walk and some mentally deranged dude called her a n**** lover. No I'm not black but obviously not white either. When they got back and told me we all just laughed about the crazy guy.


    I think this is the crux of this ridiculous story.  Weaponized victimhood.  Who gives a fuck what accent some rich lady from Boston uses?   No one is being harmed, and no amount of indignant tweets, op-eds or blog posts will make that the case.  The best part is that it all started with a fat girl mad at a skinny girl for showing off her body.  What a world!

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 2
    • Rage+1 1
  9. I'm much more disappointed that Lugo is now on the school board than I am about Kelly winning.  My money is that Kelly steps down within the year.  Lugo will actively work to destroy what is left of an already crumbling school district, and can actually have an impact.  Kelly won't impact anything (unless that horn rams into something).

  10. We live in District 10, so personally I'm more interested in Kelly's cuckoo counterpart Virden losing her race with Alter.  I don't know that Virden has anything in her past to rival fitlump's shenanigans, but she might be even more empty upstairs.   The northwest part of Austin needs serious leadership in place with the giant gaping mess that is AISD and the very serious forces working to destroy the only schools that are actually functioning in the district.  To that end, be sure and vote for Caballero for school board if you can.  

  11. The reality is we need new laws to handle the privacy and data mining issues.  We're woefully behind the rest of the world on this front, in large part because these companies we're discussing, along with the insurance industry, completely control our government.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    Is OP really under the impression that obese people don't already realize that their weight puts them at greater risk for most health concerns, including this one? Like, seriously? "Hmm, I can deal with the looming threat of heart disease and diabetes. But COVID too? NOW I'll really change my habits and listen to my doctor because the government strenuously asked me to."

    What an utterly pointless thought exercise.

    Agree completely.  It's like telling a smoker they should quit because it's bad for them.  No fucking shit.  No smoker ever heard someone they love tell them they should quit because it's unhealthy and said, "Damn, you're right!  I never though of it like that before!  I'm quitting for good right now!"

    Telling fat people that being fat is bad for them won't change anything. They already know.  Although, watching Trump do some PSA's about weight loss is something that I sure would enjoy.

    This thread isn't really about fat people, but simply whataboutism. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. On the business side of this discussion, I'm one of those guys at the top of the chain that a handful of folks will manage to "escalate" things to.  And if it makes it all the way up to me there is a common denominator in every case.  The customer is an asshole who was disrespectful to my staff.  There is simply no way an issue wouldn't have been resolved satisfactorily long before it would land on my desk.  I'm amazed that some folks take some sort of false pride in creating these situations.   Others above have mentioned having success when getting to where the buck stops.  Our clients learn quickly that I'm loyal to my employees and have no problem dismantling a client and sending them packing if they're the cause of the rancor.  I don't seek out confrontation, but I have to admit I lick my chops a bit when I get notice that an upset client wants to talk to me.  Fortunately it doesn't happen that often and when it does it's usually a no-name trying to big-dog it in our industry.

    In my personal life I'm anticonfrontational, possibly to a fault.  I grew up fighting a lot as a kid, having been taught very young by my father that the best way to handle other kids being jerks was to put your fist through their nose.  I think his advice was spot on, even though I lost as many fights as I won back then.  By the time I got out of my teens I had no interest in fighting any more, and I haven't, with a couple of minor exceptions in bar scuffles in my twenties.  Someone mentioned above that you catch more flies with honey and that's been my approach in my adult life.  It seems to work especially well when dealing with retail/customer service/wait staff.  I cringe at anyone who disrespects these hard working folks.  When dealing with mechanics/HVAC/etc.  type guys, as someone mentioned above the key is to ensure everything is clear up front, including what level of bullshit you're willing to put up with.  If they cross a line, it's easy to calmly walk away with your business if you've already established what you expect.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  14. Been interesting watching Dr. Jen squirm on Nextdoor as Qanon loving fitlump supporters beg her to publicly back fitlump.  To her credit, she won't do it (or at least hasn't so far).

    I think some of fitlump's supporters are just misguided folks who hate the current counsel.  It's a shame that they think she'll have an impact.

  15. 3 hours ago, Scary Stranger said:

    Did the players test after the coach was positive?  I'm assuming the coach had symptoms but did any of the kids?

    The coach did not have symptoms until after a Saturday game.  Went and got tested when he started feeling ill the next day and got tested.  I assume everyone went and got tested, although you never know.  They were going to push forward with an assistant coach but then four players came up positive. So season is likely over.  I haven't heard of the kids having symptoms. Only that some tested positive and some negative.  We've been doing the quarantine boogaloo even though tests came back negative for us, just to be sure.

  16. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Well that is concerning. 

    Any secondary transmission from any of the kids to adults?

    Not that I've heard of.  Just the transmission from the coach to the players (and presumably player to player).  My daughter was negative as were we, so we may be out of the loop.  Not close with the other parents.  They're supposed to come back and have a playoff in a couple of weeks - I think we'll probably sit it out.

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