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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. 6 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    Beto should just debate the Libertarian.  The centrist conservatives who would never vote O'Rourke but also never sit out an election could be swung away from Cruz.

    He needs a web developer who's seen an icon designed in the last decade, but otherwise he seems like he would appeal to some of those folks: https://www.nealdikeman.com/issues

  2. On 9/7/2018 at 4:27 PM, Biff Tannen said:


    The Tesla Model 3 was the fifth best-selling passenger car in the United States during the month of August. It sold 20,450 units according to GoodCarBadCar, presumably a sales figure similar to the number of vehicles Tesla could produce throughout the month, as Model 3 demand still outstrips supply. Tesla officially releases its own sales data quarterly, and declined to comment when asked for confirmation of this figure.


    Being the 5th best selling passenger car is a bit like being the 5th best looking girl at a six contestant beauty pageant.  No one is buying cars anymore, and manufacturers have slowed production to a trickle of what it was.  That has nothing to do with the quality of the product, of course.  It's just an odd thing to crow about.



  3. 17 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

    I realize that for SOME people, the word "thug" may be a substitute for the n-word. However, I'm pretty sure it's still possible for a white person to be accurately labeled a thug. I mean, I'm not that old, but I can remember when that word had no racial connotation whatsoever.

    I never thought of that word as having any racial connotation at all until it started being discussed as such a few years back.  I always thought it was a catchall for young men who go round looking for trouble, regardless of race, and I think this was definitely the case in the past.  I don't tangle with the millennial thought police though, and I readily admit I don't have a fucking clue about a lot of things including how the connotation of that word may have changed of the years, so I've removed it from my vocabulary just to be safe.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Overheard Tech fan at work “We are going to be pretty strong this year. We arguably have the best Linebackers in the league” 

    Your coworker isn't alone in his assessment of Tech's linebackers.  Best in the Big12? I don't know.  They're definitely in the top two or three LB crews in the conference though.  And Tech was the only school to have three players on the Preseason All Big 12 defense.  It's like living in Bizarro World. 

  5. On 4/25/2018 at 3:43 PM, 'stache said:

    Really good, in depth discussion in this podcast.  A bunch of assholes took over the NRA in the late 70s and turned it into the band of nutcases it is today.  Also, another nutcase who convinced Scalia and his cronies about the "individual" rights part of the 2nd Amendment, and total disregard for the "militia" part.




    The "nutcases" who first made the argument regarding the 2nd Amendment were Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale.  All of this pro/anti gun politicization stems from wealthy California liberals scared of black men with firearms.  A handful of nutbags managed to pull off a coup of the NRA and coopted the political speech of the Black Panthers.  It's wild and wacky stuff, this nation.


    The NRA is a bunch of fat men with low IQ and low T.  Yetis are awesome.  Fuck the haters.

  6. 23 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Even if I lived on David Duke road, the mere thought of having to update or get new documents like a Driver License, Credit Cards, Passport, work pay stubs, mailings, benefits, banks document, mortgage document, etc. makes me want to commit suicide 

    I think this renaming business is complete nonsense, but this is the weakest of any argument opposing it.  This is the same thing anyone who moves has to deal with, on top of packing, hauling, and unpacking their shit.   If this makes you want to commit suicide, you've lived a rather charmed life. 

  7. 23 hours ago, Big D said:

    The exact same for me.  I lived right across from Kiddie Acres and was bused to Webb and Martin.  Sprinted to the bus every day to keep from the 16-17 year old Mexican kids from attacking.  Once safe on the bus at Martin, we saw many of fights in the street waiting to take the 1 hour ride home.  

    These days Kiddie Acres looks like the setting of some kind of clown based horror movie.

  8. Fuck that piece of shit.  It takes a seriously fucked up asshole to randomly shoot anyone, but to open fire on a nine year old kid?  Rot in hell, asshole.

    I wish there was a way to rid humanity of these fucks early on without sweeping up innocents in the process, but there isn't.  It seems like it's rare that no one saw it coming with most of these shooters, though.

    Toronto has had growing problems with violence, due in large part to increased gang activity.  This (and the incel idiot attack a couple of months back) clearly aren't part of that, but some of the articles seem to be conflating the two issues.

  9. Just a dude who really, really, really liked getting fucked up and writing down his "important" thoughts while under the influence.  Stoned ape theory is one of those things that only sounds reasonable if you're really high.

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