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Samson's Wig

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Posts posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I agree that teens, in general, are much more aware of the bigger picture than prior generations, but they're still kids.  And their brains are still as undeveloped as ours were at that age.  I don't adhere to the idea that kids should only speak when spoken to, but somewhere between that and the "from the mouths of babes" fallacy has to be the right spot.   

    At the individual level, I wouldn't be bothered by either of my kids walking out if they felt strongly about an issue, but looking at the larger picture I think teenagers should mostly shut up and do what they're told because they're not yet physically capable of rational thought.  

  2. All this discussion and no one has mentioned the Bike Mafia?  Let's see, a ridiculous and expensive project which benefits only a handful of idiots, all of whom ride bikes.  It's not difficult to see where the pressure is coming from.  What a coup.  I guess forcing bike lanes on residential streets that no one has ever commuted by bike through was getting boring for them.

    And someone above asked if someone on the city council has an interest in a window screen manufacturer/installer.  You think?

    We choose, through inaction, to let the nuttiest and the most corrupt run our cities.

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