The neighborhoods around 360, especially those west of it, serve one purpose only. They exist to pay ridiculously high taxes and then shut the fuck up about the complete lack of services. We're paying for the party, but we're not invited to it. It's the area the city gives the absolute last fuck about regarding any issue. There are half as many schools as needed for the kids out here and no adequate fire services (despite being the part of the city most likely to have a massive fire disaster - I guess we can thank Lord Una Massa for sending us his ill-begotten daughter, Councilwoman Sana Massam, and ensuring she had disaster training. Let's just hope she's willing to leave her district to provide assistance), the cops will take an hour or more before moseying out to this distant neck of the woods to do anything (there isn't even a police station within miles of the area - the furthest western police station is in Rollingwood, lol), and the water pressure sucks every night past ten o'clock because we live on hills and this fucking city can't manage a party planning committee much less a water department that understands pumping water uphill requires a bit of pressure. Lots was discussed about folks with no power during Snovid, but little was ever said about the tons of folks stuck west of the city with no water (and no power) for almost two weeks, and no way to leave our homes because the city had/has no equipment for dealing with icy hills and couldn't be bothered to even attempt to do anything until national news picked up the story. We did what folks over here always do, fend for ourselves and take care of each other. The city has never given a fuck about anything out here other than scouring the streets on a daily basis trying to find anyone doing so much as building a doghouse so they can raise their property taxes. They also get really interested if anyone dares to take down a wild boar terrorizing the neighborhoods, even though the city itself will do nothing about it. "We won't solve your problems, but you're not allowed to solve them either" is essentially the status the city expects folks on the western edge to agree to.
Most people out here have some means and are relatively self-sufficient. There's no need to feel sorry for anyone, and that's not the intent of the above. Everyone out here is well aware of our "rich devil" status (despite it being largely ill-founded) in the minds of the average young Austin resident, which give the city carte blanche to do little more than come out and apply cheap ass chip seal on our roads once every five years. The point is that anyone who thinks Lost Creek will regret disannexing is hilarious. The entirety of the western part of the city would love to join them. There is near zero benefit to being in the city limits out here.