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Art Vandelay

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. Are shotguns ok in your scenario? Dove season is coming up, after all.
  2. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  3. Art Vandelay

    Led Zeppelin

    On his page it looks like he did a couple for Neil Peart but I haven't watched them. Not sure about Moon or Baker. I did watch one where he views a Buddy Rich video. That was pretty hilarious. He was blown away by him too.
  4. I can't believe no one has followed up on this, so I guess I'll be that guy. How exactly did you become privy to this information?
  5. Art Vandelay

    Led Zeppelin

    I love these too. The follow-up vid is even better.
  6. "Our work covers all areas from the belly button to the chode."
  7. I love everything about that.
  8. I haven't posted on this thread in forever but I just can't help sharing my NGD. Martin 000-15M. Been wanting one of these for some time. She plays like butter, and complements my Taylor dread quite well.
  9. As great as Nyquill Jornan was, he wouldn't have won all those titles without Squatty Pibbin.
  10. 9 in North Central Austin, which is much better than my previous location on the east side that had a whopping 48.
  11. Anyone else catch Todd at the Paramount Theater last night? Outstanding show. Elizabeth Cook was great as the opener and Jack Ingram even came out for a song or two. Wonderful night.
  12. Yeah I caved and ordered the Austin in espresso (chocolate). My justification is I only have one pair of ropers in my boot collection, and they're Justins that are probably around 20 years old (I honestly can't even remember buying them).
  13. Yeah, I would find that really interesting. If you don't mind documenting it here I think that would be pretty cool.
  14. PSA: Cuero boots are 40% off right now. $138 for the Eastwood and $132 for the Austin (roper). If you have any interest at all, it's almost a no-brainer at those prices. I got my Eastwoods on sale for $150 and thought it was a steal. I might buy another pair if I hadn't just bought some Anderson Beans. Hell, I might do it anyway.
  15. Apparently they will make custom round toed boots. But yeah, agreed, I wish they had some in their stock line. They are really well made.
  16. I've always been a regular/round toe guy but I recently opened my mind to squared toes because of a great deal on some Anderson Beans I came across online that just happened to be in my size (AB's are almost exclusively square toe but are pretty high quality, handmade in Texas boots). I've never had a pair of AB's but tried some on the other day that were super comfortable. So I went ahead and ordered the pair I found online.
  17. I have those same boots. Great choice. I love mine!
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