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Art Vandelay

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. CDC looking like he's straight out of a Scorsese flick. I like it.
  2. I was just saying how weird it looks to see him with normal hair. I've only ever seen him with dreadlocks or no hair at all.
  3. This punter is gonna be the death of the Cyclones. Get it together man!!
  4. Well, they don't call it El Assico for nothing.
  5. The Kinnick/Iowa wave is a pretty awesome tradition.
  6. Looked like our punter's 15 yarder last week.
  7. ISU looks damn good on both sides of the ball.
  8. Was just laughing at that. That's....unfortunate.
  9. It just means the sheep will be slicker than usual. The football, too.
  10. Murray has All. Day. Long. to throw.
  11. We're gonna crush Tulsa like Lenny crushes bunny rabbits!!! TEXAS!!!
  12. This is me every time I hear it.
  13. Murray may be an ewok but that little dude can ball. Dammit.
  14. He's actually done a pretty good job in the game picks segment.
  15. I really hope Clemson stomps a mudhole on aggy.
  16. I bet I've seen at least a dozen UT-related signs. I wonder how many aggy signs we'd have if GameDay was in Austin? I'm guessing zero.
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