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Art Vandelay

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. Same. In addition to the BB King autograph I mentioned earlier, which happened in an airport, I've seen Lyle Lovett, Jerry Jeff Walker, Junior Brown, Craig Way and RC Slocum in airports and/or had them on my flight. I've also sat next to Tom Penders and Kelly Willis on flights. Penders was hilarious. This was when he was still coaching at UT. He came on board with a bag of Taco Bell and was slamming jack & cokes. Nice guy. He was more interested in hearing about what I did for a living than talking about himself. Kelly Willis was sweet but she slept most of the flight (or pretended to?) EDIT: didn't mean to imply Penders was "greatness" (or RC and Craig Way for that matter)
  2. Another one....I met BB King in about 1988/89 in an airport and had him sign my cassette tape of U2's Rattle & Hum, which he appeared in. He was cool.
  3. Kevin: "what do I do now?" BL: "go fuck yourself"
  4. Let's get this started! I have a call at 12:30 dammit!!
  5. I got to give Cameron Crowe a tour of my company's offices, which he was scouting for a film location. Really cool, down to earth dude.
  6. Pat Benatar on the UNT campus in Denton. I was 15.
  7. You can try sending him a friend request on FB. He unfriended me. https://www.facebook.com/russell.thompson.988
  8. Same name, new Surlyhorns-friendly avatar. Still want to be your latex salesman.
  9. Joe Louis was 75 years old when he fought!
  10. I thought you were all business all the time. Shouldn't you be vibrating through walls or burrowing underground?
  11. The fact that I had no idea this was tonight says everything about my expectations for this season.
  12. With an issue of Forbes with him on the cover. Right? Or was that some other sloot?
  13. Bunch of assholes on this site...feels like home.
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