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Art Vandelay

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. Hahaha, I love these April 1st jokes. Almost fell for that one....oh wait.
  2. This is the one good thing about the MAGA types. They're too dumb to try and win people over and build a true coalition. And when they do try, it's (hopefully) too late.
  3. Kudos to that reporter for calling him out on his bullshit. I wish more would do the same. That's their job!
  4. User name checks out 😉
  5. Bad taste and a whole lotta autotune.
  6. Every time I open this thread, I think how the fuck does this turd keep getting elected? And then I remember...oh yeah, because this state is full of rubes who would vote for a jellyfish if it had an (R) by its name.
  7. Alito was nominated by W. But Bush Sr. nominated Clarence Thomas, so your point stands.
  8. How the hell do they manage to fuck up and leave people off every damn year?
  9. This sucks. They were a big part of the soundtrack of my UT days in the early 90s. RIP.
  10. But they've already locked up the dumbass vote, so.....
  11. LOL, definitely has to be the Mandela Effect.
  12. Don't tell me you missed this masterpiece.
  13. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/katie-britt-weird-rebuttal_n_65ea95e3e4b0c77c7415f5f8
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