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Everything posted by Halohal

  1. Good eating this weekend. Tried out danny's restaurant near our hotel. Then on taco palenque (sweet condiment bar) one night and the other was taquitos Ravi (was featured on the daytripper). All nice choices.
  2. Yeah. On my Christmas list as well. Remember watching him film A Scanner Darkly down the street from my parents and he kindly accepted a beer when I offer.
  3. Halohal

    Austin FC

    Great game by The Austin FC
  4. First, that's what he gets for stepping off the mound with Yordan. Second, Breg bomb for the clean up
  5. Halohal

    Austin FC

    give me tired, weak, and +3pts baby!
  6. Halohal

    Austin FC

    just about to say ... score
  7. Halohal

    Austin FC

    sucks but looks like hand... wow..f it play on
  8. Halohal

    Austin FC

    repping Austin BBq over Charlotte. preach
  9. Agree. Last episode was not a climatic rise to the season. However, Number 1 and Ortega's giving subjective talk was pretty awesome. TL;DR Show worth watching
  10. Saw this on Pluto. Crazy cool. Only showcases a few games.
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