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Everything posted by Halohal

  1. First western for Hanks other than being a cowboy on Toy Story. Is there anything this guy.... nevermind.
  2. Archenemy... It's good. Dialogue between people is short and not to detail into character past. Question at beginning had me wondering until end. Decent movie.
  3. Binged show about a week ago. Really enjoyed it. I wouldn't classify it as a sitcom but as a miniseries. This show must go on!
  4. Just watched dvr of game. Liked coming out shooting three's in the 1st. Towns and LMA was a good battle. Safety net Mills FTW...
  5. Give Hammon the reigns then get ejected so pop can backup coach. Another first for the books.
  6. My Salinger Year... Very good and well played by Andie MacDowell daughter. Base on memoirs by main actress real life. Loves me some "Catcher of the Rye".
  7. Damn, that account is funny. Too many to post
  8. Was listening to bill schoening midway saying the average age of the Spurs roster is 25. Figured, this is the year for slam dunks!
  9. KBVO here... And what's the deal with the music selection. Most of the tunes I here in the back ground are family friendly but there's no one there. Play music that hypes up the Spurs players
  10. Beat part of the last episode, fight scene at the end when razor crest shooting at tie fighter and the camera rotates 360 degree without ships rolling. Thumbs up.
  11. My thing is if the running back is going to hit the hole and the front line hasn't cleared a way, why stay committed to the play calling designed route. Is it to satisfy the coaches so that it shows that they are doing what they are being asked to do. If so, the blame goes on coaches. Players won't speak ill of that reason against the coach because they'll lose playing time. However if the player goes off the reservation, video game mode and gets yardage, then that player is not doing what the coach is asking therefore disciplined by being benched. (no insight if true) Sure, players need to make a name for them self to get to the NFL but need playing time to showcase their talent. Not saying this is what's going on but look at the analytics "coach". Come to the reason that if you do not deliver you will lose your job. To not lose your job, you need to find more touches for this guy. /rage
  12. Yeah, they'll do roll it to milk it for every last bit... A la merchandising...
  13. It like playing KOTOR doing side jobs. Getting old and played out although CGI is awesome and new to keep my interest. Just don't forget to tie in within season... because rushing at the end sucks.
  14. Herman trying to be friends with players meaning less touches. Get behind this winner damn coach.
  15. Figures he's on the hot seat, so he makes sure defense loses game the throw Ash under bus
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