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  1. I like it!
  2. Dripping Springs fo sho
  3. Got moved from 16 to 34. I really liked 16, could see plays develop plus straight on view of Jumbotron. 34 will prob kill my eardrums and wrench my neck. My living room tv is looking mighty inviting.
  4. Damn…just saw this, if you ever have more to sell let me know. I’m also in the Bowie area. Thanks.
  5. Section 28 Holla!
  6. Just finished season 2, well done and very entertaining (never read the books). 2 disappointments, only 8 episodes and I don’t recall seeing any boobies.
  7. From what I have seen we play 12/2 and 12/3. SD vs Rice 4pm, UT vs SH 7pm. Friday game will start at 8pm. edit to add link.
  8. 11,23,29,33,34,35 edit: shit late again.
  9. Spent 2 news years eves there, 1985-6?? The dance floor would get muddy from the humidity and general dirt, the bathrooms were a adventure and the outside bar over the bayou had a smell. Loved that place!
  10. couple pics, so hot, half of student section didn’t return after halftime, can’t say I blame them. Great win! Oline is a WIP, also our left side D secondary was worked all game it seemed. Something to work on for sure.
  11. Then they would get in my Bitchin Camaro and run over my neighbors.
  12. It’s the Socs and the Greasers
  13. Single game tickets go on sale at 11am today. https://texaslonghorns.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?linkID=tex-ath&timeDateFrom=2021-6-1-00.00.00&timeDateTo=2022-5-31-23.59.59
  14. Do you still have Saturday available?
  15. looks like they double booked KR today
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