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Everything posted by BigDHornfan

  1. How in the blue fuck does Lil Wayne get on ? Get fucked.
  2. I hope Questlove got fucking paid this weekend. He and the Roots have worked their asses off.
  3. I wanna motorboat Kylie.
  4. Byrne and St Vincent are outstanding together
  5. You really could just eat at BBC and Willet and nowhere else and be happy as fuck.
  6. I will never stop watching JP movies.
  7. Another good stop in Nashville is Southern Collective Spirit Company. They are a NPD but have some great barrels.
  8. Preach Brother!! Man I want an egg salad sandwich and some purple tops.
  9. BigDHornfan


    God Damn Shakira. I’ll be in my bunk.
  10. Not as oaky as you’d think. [emoji23]
  11. These are interesting.
  12. New club pick dropped today. Fucking [emoji91]. Literally. Hot as balls, but damn good. And best sticker we’ve done to date.
  13. Lucky to find another one of these from a friend who let me have it at original retail of $100. It’s one of the best Masters Collections in my opinion, but it’s a really polarizing one. Lot of love and a lot of hate too. I’m definitely in the love camp.
  14. It’s not as good as the BYO Rye was, but it’s fucking solid. Same stuff as the allocated MBSB. This one is better than what they are offering now.
  15. $100 for the season
  16. They were indeed WT mashbill, distilled and barreled at BT and shipped back to WT to age. It was a contract order that the buyer backed out of. So they just sat and aged. Wild Turkey didn’t want to release them due to Buffalo Trace distilling for them and Buffalo Trace didn’t since it wasn’t their mashbill. Sold off. Bardstown used a bunch of them in their Discovery Series. Rest went to independents. The secondary group I run did 3 barrel picks of them at The Whiskey Blendery and they are fucking great. Pricey but great. Blendery did a bunch of barrels with a good number of whiskey clubs. These are the ones I did.
  17. Perfect for a snow day.
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