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Posts posted by BigDHornfan

  1. 16 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Actually that feels like about fair value for me. Equal quality weighted for scarcity.

    Speaking of which-
    Here’s what I’ve got available for barter at the moment. These are not up for sale or available to anyone who does not regularly post on this thread.

    1.75 W12
    1.75 Weller Antique
    Rock Hill Farms
    Stagg 17

    Looking for
    Old Fitz (11 or 9)
    McKenna 10*

    *Im still skeptical about anything that says McKenna. McKenna is for broke dudes who are sorta in between places/jobs/chicks right now. So you aren’t getting a lot for your McKenna 10 on a stand-alone basis, but I do want to try it and it could sweeten the pot on a bigger deal.

    The McKenna 10yr BiB is a sublime daily drinker.  So damn good.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Can we have a new rule...I get that you're gonna keep your purse and phone/phone charger out on my kitchen counter during your entire stay so that we all see you have an iPhone 6S or whatever with the fashionable cover.  And I love seeing your purse that has seen the floor of every public bathroom between Saint Louis and Austin on the very spot where I prepare my daughter's lunch on the weekends. 

    But can you finish your goddamn fucking Starbuck's iced latter mocha who-gives-a-fuck beverage already?  You arrived with it at 10:30a, totally a reasonable hour to have a large iced coffee drink.  You left it all over the house with your name sticker and price still on it so we know you enjoy complicated, $7 coffee drinks on the reg a la Kenny Powers.  And there it sits, all over my house after lunch, all the way into the evening.  With nary an ice cube left, just two tepid sips left at the very bottom.  And I find it every fucking hour on the hour in a different place, leaving a coffee stained ring every fucking place you go, with the straw clinging to the last inch of its mangled life.  And then as I clean up after dinner, I politely inquire if I can dispose of the cup along with the day's trash...you still have to fucking chime in..."Oh no, that's my go-to drink at Starbuck's...I'm still working on it, but thanks."  And I have to find that fucking syrupy disgrace the next fucking morning with the little remnant dots of where you took it to and fro about my home, like the jizz remnants of a woman who may have gone too far with Terry Crews.  But yes, this holiday season...may all we remember you get super awesome drinks at Starbuck's and milk them for a day while the rest of us proudly serve and drink Trader Joe's drip coffee made with love, frugality, and a deep respect for space and time.  

    Image result for clap gif

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  3. My homie got a bottle in Dallas, but he paid about 5x what you did. Is it worth pappy 12 money?

    I also paid $140 for it. I’ve always thought there wasn’t anything out there that I’d be willing to pay over $200 for, but honestly I’d pay secondary prices for this bottle.
    IMO, this is the best bourbon I’ve ever had.
    And it’s not even close. I haven’t had Pappy but the people I know that have say Pappy is great and all but overrated and not nearly worth what you have to pay for it.
    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Whitman said:

    They have both German and English.  When setting it, it will stay on the one you want skipping the other language.  I keep mine on English. Might change it someday when I feel like marching into Poland.

    Regarding the bezel of the 104 & 103, it is what is called a countdown bezel.  Slide it to when you are supposed to be there and it will tell you how many minutes left.  Note: this doesn't work for wives.  Still add 15 minutes to your planning.


    My 103 only has German days on it.  It's a limited edition of only 500 pieces so I guess they didn't add the english days to it.

  5. 18 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    I havent had much coffee, but why are the bezel marks counting down from 60 and not up from 0?

    Not sure the reason, but it's a countdown bezel instead of a count up bezel.

  6. On 12/15/2018 at 1:00 PM, Whitman said:

    I had not realized this thread was here or at the other site until recently.  I'm not a huge watch freak, but  as a daily watch I wear a Sinn 104.  It is to me just a great watch both mechanically and in style.  I'm German and appreciate the German made (even with Sinn's Swiss movement in it).  I had mentioned to another poster that I was getting the itch for a more formal watch and just recently I pulled the trigger on a new Sinn 6099 which is one of the Frankfurt models.  I like how the 41 mm sits on my wrist and I like with most Sinns that the dial isn't too cluttered so that i can readily see the time.  Below is my new piece, and then a picture of it playing with my 104.  I told my kids it was their Christmas present to me.




    I enjoy looking at y'alls pictures. Hopefully some of you like and wear Sinns I much as I do.

    PS: Here is better picture of the 6099 I had found online without the glare from my phone camera for those looking at it.  Really a pretty piece.


    A fellow sinner!   I absolutely love my 103 A Sa b.  

    Related image

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  7. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:


    It was marked up, but I didn’t care. I just left Specs empty handed where the whiskey guy was less than friendly. Oh, which reminds me...Fuck Specs 

    Team Goody Goody.    They seem to care about customer service unlike Spec's.  

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