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Posts posted by BigDHornfan

  1. Shit. Mine has 1 or 2 bottles in it at any time. When they get drank, they get replaced.

    I’d say 95-99% of mine are open and prob more than half empty. I drink them all eventually
  2. 10 hours ago, ERhine said:


    I’m afraid to organize my cabinet. I don’t want to know how many bottles I’m at.


    Did an inventory a couple of days ago.   76 bottles.  with 2 more shipping this week.

    • Like 4
  3. Goody Goody has a great store pick of the Knob Creek SB.    Try to find Barrel #6817 or 6816.  They are both 13yr 11 month old bottles.  For $40 it's really hard to find anything better.

    These 2 locations in Houston have some.

    2680 Highway 6 South, Houston, TX,77082 
    6401 Woodway Drive, Houston TX 77057 


  4. PSA...thewhiskeyexchange.com has Blanton's Gold shipped for $110.    About $40-50 less than what you can normally find it for secondary market.

    IMO it's worth every damn cent of $110.    Some of the best bourbon I have tasted.

    • Like 1
  5. Never had Batch 1 but everything I’ve heard and read is Batch 2 isn’t as good.

    Never had batch one, but I think 2 is good.
    Next time we meet up, I’ll bring you a sample.
    Hang in there. I am not against spanking kids but this seems like an issue that is beyond the normal being bad just to be bad and spanking him might make his behavior even worse. I know it sounds stupid but a conversation about why he acted this way or that way and why it's wrong has helped in our house. I know not always the easiest or slam dunk solution to every situation but worth a shot. Good luck

    When we ask him why he does it, he says his brain is telling him to do bad things. He tells us he knows it’s wrong but he does it anyway.
  7. So Lil Big D is having serious behavioral issues at school.  After doing Kindergarten last year at a Primrose School, we decided to redshirt him and have him do Kindergarten in public school this year because we just didn't think he was ready on a maturity level.  He has gotten several notes sent home due to his playing in the sink in the bathroom, spitting on his friends, and grabbing things that don't belong to him.  He also has been seated at a table near the teacher due to him not wanting to stay in his seat during the day.  His handwriting and coloring have regressed from the level he was at last year as well.  We've tried taking things away from him ( ipad, bicycle time, playdates, etc) when he gets into trouble at school and it seems to work for a few days but he always resorts back to bad behavior.  I've actually had to spank him 3 times due to spitting on people and lying to us about it.  I hated to do it, but nothing else has worked.  

    He was diagnosed with epilepsy in April and was put on Depakote to keep him from having seizures and we are starting to think it may be whats causing the change in behavior.  We don't go back to see the neurologist until December so we are kind of at a loss on what to do to get him to change his behavior.   I knew there would be an adjustment period in his new school but it's been long enough now for him to be used to it.   My wife and I are at our wits end on what to do.    Shit's tough to deal with because we know deep down he's a great kid.  We just don't know what to do anymore.    Ugh.


  8. Had my consultation yesterday.
    Go back on 11/2 for the snip.
    Sending the wife and boy to spend the weekend with her Mom the day after. Looking forward to laying on the couch all weekend.

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